A simple Rest API systemd service with full CI/CD/CD through packer, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Prometheus & Grafana
A simple Rest API using python and Flask, the API is initialized using systemd service and provides the following information on /info
{"date":"", "time":"", "ip":"", "hash":""}
The API is used through a systemd service, various deployment options are available through Packer, Docker, Ansible and Google Cloud using GKE, the whole project is following the CI/CD/CD principals using Jenkins pipeline, also Monitoring is available through Prometheus & Grafana.
Please insure that you have installed all the following components locally:
- Packer
- KVM/Qemu
- Ansible
- Docker
- Jenkins with Blue Ocean
- Kubectl
- GCloud SDK
You will need to create GCloud Project and service account key for it.
- Fork the project.
- Create a GCloud cluster through your convenient way, and edit
to include the cluster name. - Change the project variables at
file to yours. - Create a new jenkins Blue Ocean pipeline.
- Link the pipeline to your github account.
- Run the pipeline
The pipeline has the following stages:
init - Initializes environment variables from
. -
Build - Build the source code.
Test - Test the source code with tests available in
completing the CI "Continuos Integration" stage. -
Deliver - Build Docker image with the latest code.
Test Delivery - Test Docker image, the current implemented tests is very simple, more complicated tests can be added.
Publish - Publish the image to google gcr Completing the CD "Continuos Delivery" stage.
Deploy - Deploy the whole project in K8S cluster.
- Note the Ingress service external IP address and port after the installation; you can use the follwoing bash commands.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME
kubectl get ingress
- Change the IP address and port at the last line at
to your ingress IP address and port. - Run the monitoring environment using the following bash command
docker-compose -f docker-prometheus-grafana.yml up
- Access Grafana at
Username: admin
Password: admin
- Sometimes GCLoud ingress takes a long time to activate.
cd packer
packer build centos7.json
The output image will be at
docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t local\docker:latest .
docker run -ti --privileged=true -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -p 5000:5000 local\docker:latest
The service will be up at http://localhost:5000/info
You can use the following shell script to clean the installation at GKE.
- Prepare K8S deployment for Prometheus and Grafana to consolidate the project.
- Add more unit tests and integration tests.