WordPress Docker Quick Start is a simple docker-compose setup to get started with docker with WordPress easily in olly a few steps.
git clone [email protected]:aihimel/wp-docker-quick-start.git
cd wp-docker-quick-start
cp .env.sample .env
docker-compose up --build
YES! Your WordPress installation is up and ready to go.
There are 3 services in the docker compose file.
- WordPress Server
- Mariadb Database
- Adminer to access the database
In this composition folder structure is set up in a different and flexible way. To obtain the following features.
- Plugins and Themes folders are easily accessible.
- The entire composition is highly portable. You can just copy the entire folder and move to any other machine and everything will be good to go.
- Configurability, this composition is highly configurable.
This folder is to store all the data from databases. So when you want to port the project to anywhere else, the database will persist.
All your plugins will go in this folder.
All the themes will go in this folder
WordPress core files will be here
xDebug configuration files.