A small weather app using data from the National Weather Service (NWS)
Using Vue for data binding this app provides both current data, forecast predictions, and weather map for a ZIP code in the United States. The data is obtained from the National Weather Service (NWS) which is supported through federal taxes dollars. This library is markup agnostic and simply provides an object you can inject into your design.
Use the NPM package manager to install forecast-js.
npm install --save @warnick/forecast-js
Simply, include the CDN links in the head of your HTML. (See above for typical use).
Before you begin there are a few things you need.
Import the library into the head of your index.html
In the body of your HTML, everything should be within a <div class="results" id="app">
<div class="results" id="app" data-default-zip="90210"></div>
Additionally, you can set the default zip here with the data attribute 'data-default-zip'.
To trigger the fetching of data you will need to use the input for ZIP code.
placeholder="Enter Your ZIP Code"
There are six main categories of information: location, time, alerts, current, hourly, and forecast. Within each of these there are a myriad of pieces of data you can implement into your application.
This is based on the Zip Code entered in the input or retrieved from a browser cookie. This object contains:
"location": {
"zip": "90210",
"coord": { "lat": "34.095082673097856", "lon": "-118.39932247264568" },
"city": "Beverly Hills",
"name": "Beverly Hills",
"state": "CA"
"time": {
"day": "WED",
"date": "2021-10-06",
"hour_24": "08",
"hour_12": 8,
"minute": "45",
"seconds": "52",
"ampm": "am",
"moom": { "class": "new-moon", "name": "New Moon" },
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
Alerts has two parts a boolean called alerts that is true
if alerts exits and false
if they don't.
"alert": false,
"alerts": []
"sunrise": {
"hour": 8,
"minute": "51",
"seconds": "50",
"ampm": "am",
"time": "8:51"
"sunset": {
"hour": 8,
"minute": "31",
"seconds": "28",
"ampm": "pm",
"time": "8:31"
"description_main": "Cloudy",
"icon": "bkn",
"temp": {
"current": 64,
"feelslike": 64,
"heatIndex": 32,
"windChill": 32,
"unit": "F"
"wind": {
"speed": 0,
"gust": 0,
"unit": "mph",
"angle": 0,
"direction": "N"
"precipitation": {
"lasthour": 0,
"threehours": 0,
"sixhours": 0,
"unit": "in"
"dewpoint": 59,
"pressure": { "seaLevel": "408.10", "barometric": "408.10", "unit": "in" },
"visibility": 9,
"visibilityUnit": "mi",
"humidity": 84,
"air_quality": {
"name": "PM2.5",
"aqi": 51,
"range": 2,
"discription": "Moderate",
"details": [
{ "name": "PM2.5", "aqi": 51, "range": 2, "discription": "Moderate" },
{ "name": "O3", "aqi": 31, "range": 1, "discription": "Good" }
"uv": 0
Hourly is an array with the next 12 hours.
"hourly": [
"day": 6,
"month": 10,
"year": 2021,
"moon": { "class": "new-moon", "name": "New Moon" },
"time": 9,
"time24": 9,
"ampm": "am",
"number": 1,
"startTime": "2021-10-06T07:00:00-07:00",
"endTime": "2021-10-06T08:00:00-07:00",
"isDaytime": true,
"shortForecast": "Patchy Fog",
"detailedForecast": "",
"icon": "fog",
"windSpeed": "5 mph",
"windDirection": "SE",
"temperature": 60,
"temperatureUnit": "F",
"temperatureTrend": null
Forecast is an array with the next seven days.
"forecast": [
"icon": "bkn",
"day": 6,
"month": 10,
"year": 2021,
"weekday": "Today",
"moon": { "class": "new-moon", "name": "New Moon" },
"SNRS": "2021-10-06T13:50:58.152Z",
"sunrise": "8:50",
"SNST": "2021-10-06T01:32:36.770Z",
"sunset": "8:32",
"max_temp": 76,
"temperatureUnit": "F",
"min_temp": 59,
"weather": {
"description": "Patchy Fog then Partly Sunny",
"description_long": "Patchy fog before 11am. Partly sunny, with a high near 76. South wind 5 to 10 mph."
"wind_spd": "5 to 10 mph",
"wind_cdir": "S",
"wind": { "speed": "5 to 10 mph", "direction": "S" }
Icon | Code | Description |
![]() |
skc | Clear Sky |
![]() |
few | Few Clouds |
![]() |
sct | Scattered Clouds |
![]() |
bkn | Broken Clouds |
![]() |
rain_showers | Rain Showers |
![]() |
rain | Rain |
![]() |
tsra | Thunderstorm |
![]() |
snow | Snow |
![]() |
fog | Fog, Haze, Smoke, Dust |
Icon Code | Description |
skc | Fair/clear |
wind_skc | Fair/clear and windy |
hot | Hot |
Icon Code | Description |
few | A few clouds |
sct | Partly cloudy |
bkn | Mostly cloudy |
ovc | Overcast |
wind_few | A few clouds and windy |
wind_sct | Partly cloudy and windy |
wind_bkn | Mostly cloudy and windy |
wind_ovc | Overcast and windy |
Icon Code | Description |
rain | Rain |
rain_showers_hi | Rain showers (high cloud cover) |
rain_showers | Rain showers (low cloud cover) |
Icon Code | Description |
tsra | Thunderstorm (high cloud cover) |
tsra_sct | Thunderstorm (medium cloud cover) |
tsra_hi | Thunderstorm (low cloud cover) |
tornado | Tornado |
hurricane | Hurricane conditions |
tropical_storm | Tropical storm conditions |
Icon Code | Description |
snow | Snow |
rain_snow | Rain/snow |
rain_sleet | Rain/sleet |
snow_sleet | Snow/sleet |
fzra | Freezing rain |
rain_fzra | Rain/freezing rain |
snow_fzra | Freezing rain/snow |
sleet | Sleet |
blizzard | Blizzard |
cold | Cold |
Icon Code | Description |
fog | Fog/mist |
haze | Haze |
smoke | Smoke |
dust | Dust |
Current precipitation
Current rain and snow
Mixed Content Fetch in Hourly and Forecast
ZIP code look up is now handled with openstreemaps
Issue with ZIP codes starting with 0
Added the city under the location object
Set default ZIP code with a data attribute:
<div class="results" id="app" data-default-zip="90210"></div>
Added Air Quality object under Current.
"name": "PM2.5",
"aqi": 50,
"range": 1,
"discription": "Good",
"details": [
"name": "PM2.5",
"aqi": 50,
"range": 1,
"discription": "Good"
"name": "O3",
"aqi": 35,
"range": 1,
"discription": "Good"
removed the city variable replaced with location.city
Moon has changed from .moon to be an object .moon.class is slug (i.e. "waxing-crescent-moon") and .moon.name is human readable (i.e. "Waxing Crescent Moon") this breaks past uses of moon
Update js-cookie to 3.0.1 Update rollup to 2.56.3 Update rollup-plugin-terser to 7.0.2 Update vue to 2.6.14 Update sunrise-sunset-js to 2.2.1
Expired dependancies: Removed @rollup/plugin-replace Removed dual-publish
Fetch for zip api now used {mode:'cors'}
weather.current.uv - UV index from the EPA's Envirofacts Data Service API
weather.current.air_quality - Air quality information from EPA's airnow.gov
Shifted all data to NWS
OpenWeatherMap and Weatherbit data
Removed map and moved it to version 3
current.uv [Hopefully will return in v3]
cuurrent.air_quality [Hopefully will return in v3]
Time is now localized to the time at the zip code
Updated Readme
Fixed Mixed content (http/https)
Working map using OpenLayers
Expired dependancies
have students set default Zip Code and fill it to their idget more info from NOA- Solution for matching multiple icons
Add https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Manhattan&state=KS&country=USAFix day shift sunrise sunset
- Add other types of search
- Add map back in
- get mothods written by students and add those dynamically to the vue methods
- Set User-Agent: (myweatherapp.com, [email protected])
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License