This repository provides a set of mocks for two testing frameworks:
More detail can be found in the above README pages.
When contributing to the repository please describe the change or examples in detail in the pull request.
- Create a pull request.
- Once the pull request is created, If the contributing user has not previously signed a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), they must complete the CLA signing steps as indicated in the pull request. The CLA signature will be stored in an Akamai private repository in Github.
- A code review will be performed by multiple Akamai members of the edgeworkers-unittest repository. The code review must receive at least 2 approvals.
- The pull request will be merged once all of the above criteria have been met.
For more information on EdgeWorkers and EdgeKV, refer to the following resources:
- EdgeWorkers Developer Page
- EdgeWorkers User Guide
- EdgeWorkers API Guide
- Akamai CLI for EdgeWorkers
- EdgeKV Getting Started Guide
If you experience any issues with these code samples, please raise a GitHub issue. Or create a pull request with fixes, suggestions, or your own contributed example.