This LabView code for analog digital converter (ADC) data processing have been created in order to view Langmuir probe signals registered in the URAGAN-3M torsatron using different ADCs and obtain its spectral and statistical characteristics.(V.Voitsenya et al., Progress in stellarator research in Kharkov IPP, Phys. Scr. T161 (2014) 014009 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2014/T161/014009)
For now it is possible to process the next binary formats:
- L-Card L-783M,
- L-Card e20-10,
ADC files examples are included in the "resources/sampledata/" subfolder. Check "resources/png/" subfolder with screenshots.
An information about every signal will be extracted from an appropriate binary *.par file in correspondence with a chosen binary *.dat file or from the beginning of a chosen *.dat file in case of SATURN SDI-AD12-128H Plain text format is also allowed.