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Alex Golec edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 5 revisions


As tda-api is constantly growing and improving, with bug fixes and new functionality landing regularly. If you'd like to help us test new versions and are tolerant of pre-release quality software, consider joining our beta program!

Beta versions are publicly available, and you don't need to join this program to use them. However, beta program members receive priority attention on bugs encountered whenever a tda-api version is in testing.

How to Join

Joining the tda-api beta program is easy:

  1. Join our dedicated Discord channel where we discuss ongoing beta versions and request to be added to the special beta-users role. This role means you will be notified on Discord whenever there's a new version to test.

  2. Install the latest beta version as follows:

    pip install --upgrade --pre tda-api

  3. Try to break things! At the very least, do whatever you were doing previous except with an updated tda-api version.

Reporting bugs

Because beta versions are so volatile, we ask that you report issues to the Discord channel before you submit tickets here on GitHub. This way the authors can investigate and fix issues more quickly.