- Install Docker. Instructions for your OS can be found in the docker installation page
- WINDOWS ONLY: MAKE SURE you have virtualization enabled (instructions included on the docker setup). You might have to enable it on the BIOS.
- Install Docker ToolBox
- Launch Docker Quick Start Terminal (in order for the "default" machine to show up in VirtualBox)
- Enable forwarding of ports 4040 and 9995 from the VM to your local host. To access the VM settings:
- Open VirtualBox
- Shut Down the "default" machine
- Click on the docker vm (usually, it's "default") and click "Settings"
- On the "System" menu, you can increase the RAM (at least 4Gb) and the amount of cpus used by the VM.
- On the "Network" menu, click "Advanced" and then click "Port Forwarding". Add an entry like this (the name isn't really important..)
- Name: p9995
- Protocol: TCP
- Host IP:
- Host Port: 9995 (You can change it if you are using it for something else)
- Guest IP: (Leave it blank)
- Guest Port: 9995
- Do the same for port 4040
- Clone the git repository (if you don't have git, just browse to the repository and click "Download as ZIP":
cd /c/Users/Foo/Projects/ # or any folder where you want to put the training material
git clone https://github.com/alghimo/intro-to-dataframes.git
- Build the image:
- Linux: Just open a terminal
- Windows / Mac: (Re-)Open the Docker Quickstart Terminal.
- Build the image and run it. Assuming that you cloned the repo to "C:\Users\Foo\Projects\intro-to-dataframes":
cd intro-to-dataframes/
docker build -t alghimo/intro-to-dataframes:latest . # This requires a good internet connection and some patience...
docker run -d -p 9995:9995 -p 4040:4040 -h zeppelin --name zeppelin alghimo/intro-to-dataframes:latest -d
- Browse to [http://localhost:9995](http://localhost:9995)
- Stop the training environment
docker stop zeppelin
- Additionally, on Windows / Mac, if you won't not keep working with Docker:
docker-machine stop default
- Start the existing training environment
docker start zeppelin
NOTE: If for some reason Zeppelin is not working after starting the environment again, you can manually restart it by running this:
docker exec zeppelin /zeppelin/bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh restart