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Algoan NestJS Bridge connector

A simple connector using NestJS framework to connect your service to Bridge.

Table of contents

About Algoan and Bridge

  • Algoan helps companies to build the best open banking experience for credits. To see our products, please refer to our official website
  • Bridge is a French banking data aggregator for financial services.

Goal and Philosophy

A connector is a web software able to connect a provider to Algoan's API. It subscribes to REST Hooks which lets Algoan notifying the connector when a specific event happens.

More information on the official documentation.

The nestjs-bridge-connector focuses on a user bank accounts and transactions. The main goal of this connector is to be able to retrieve a user bank data when Algoan wishes to.

Listened Subscriptions

This section describes the process required for each subscription for a Bank reader connector.

Bankreader Link Required

The Bridge user needs to be redirected to an external page. The diagram below describes interactions:


Refers to the bankreader_link_required event.

Bankreader required

When the user has finished the aggregation process, the connector has to retrieve user's banks accounts and transactions.

Refers to the bankreader_required event.

Redirection to Bridge user interface


Application Structure

  • config/: stores all configurations for the application. It uses node-config-ts to generate a type definition of the default.json file.
  • src/algoan/: Algoan module getting your service accounts. It uses the @algoan/rest library.
  • src/hooks/: Entry point for your RestHook called by Algoan. It handles events you've subscribed to.
  • src/aggregator: contains all API calls to Bridge. It also handles the mapping between Bridge and Algoan.
  • test/: contains e2e tests.


How to use locally this connector.


This connector is a Node.js application available on Docker Hub. Before reading further, you need to download and install Node.js.


Clone the repository:

$ git clone --depth=1

Install all dependencies running:

$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
$ npm install

NestJS CLI must be installed globally because of a peer dependency conflict inclusing webpack versions and node-config-ts.

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode: will also run the fake-server app
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

How to test locally

To test locally the Bridge process, a simple index.html file is rendered. To use it:

  • Create a config/user/{process.env.USER}.json file to override app configurations. NOTE: This application uses node-config-ts. See the How to configure section for further information.
  • Run npm run start:dev
  • Go to your favorite browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000. It should display a web page:


  • Click on the first button "Launch Bridge redirection process". It will create a new Banks User and triggers the hooks controller.
  • To be redirected to Bridge, click on the second button "Redirect to Bridge" . This will get your banks-user and redirect you to the Bridge redirect URL. If an alert appears, it means that the BanksUser has not been updated.

How to configure

To configure your application properly, here is a list of key to set:

Property name Mandatory Type Description
algoan Yes object Algoan base configurations to retrieve service accounts
algoan.baseUrl Yes string Algoan host URL
algoan.clientId Yes string OAuth2 Client ID provided by Algoan
algoan.clientSecret Yes string OAuth2 Client Secret provided by Algoan
bridge No object Bridge credentials if it is not set in your service account
bridge.baseUrl No string Bridge sandbox URL
bridge.clientId No string Bridge Client ID for the sandbox
bridge.clientSecret No string Bridge Client secret for the sandbox
bridge.bankinVersion No string Bankin version
targetUrl No string Target URL for your resthook. See the documentation for more information
eventList No array Event List you want to subscribe to
restHooksSecret No string Resthooks secrets ensuring that all calls are made by Algoan. See the documentation for more information
port No number Application networking port
customerIdPassword Yes string Password used to encrypt the banks user identifier to authenticate to Bridge. Ensure that your password is hidden in your production environment

NOTE: Default values are defined in the config/default.json file.

Using Docker

If you use a Docker environment, you can pull the latest version of the connector on Algoan's docker hub registry.

$ docker pull algoan/nestjs-bridge-connector

Then run the application:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 algoan/nestjs-bridge-connector

As the docker image uses a production NODE_ENV and the node-config-ts library, you need to create a config/deployment/production.secret.json file with your configurations or use environment variables:

Variable Description
ALGOAN_BASE_URL Algoan host to retrieve service accounts
ALGOAN_CLIENT_ID Client ID used to connect to Algoan
ALGOAN_CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret used to connect to Algoan


$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e ALGOAN_BASE_URL= \ 
  -e ALGOAN_CLIENT_ID=test \
  -e ALGOAN_CLIENT_SECRET=password \

NOTE: For security reasons, the index.html is not served in production environment.


We would love to have your contribution, thank you for that! 🎉

If you want to add missing APIs, or correct an issue, you will have to follow this list of instructions.


  • Set up your local environment by forking the repository.
  • When you are about to commit, commitlint is running to check if your commit message respects conventional commit.
  • Write tests, there is a high coverage on the repository. Simply run npm run test:cov to generate a coverage/ directory.
  • Respect coding style. Run npm run lint to check if there are errors.
  • Open a Pull Request where you describe the feature/issue you are about to publish.

Code Style

This project uses ESLint to analyze the TypeScript code. Commit are linted too thanks to commitlint and the conventional commit format.


If you need credentials for your service, please contact [email protected].