Cryptocurrencies auto trading bot
- Support multi exchanges by using ccxt library (tested on Binance only)
- Auto scan and select symbol to trade
- Three type of detecting signal:
- HF: high frequency
- TA: technical analysis
- ML: machine learning
(see more on code, there's no comments on code but it's readable though)
- Real-time tracking Telegram bot
- Statistic report web page
- Create Binance account
- Create Binance API with trading permission
- Deposit some
- Install all needed python packages by using pip
- Build ta-lib and tensor-flow from sources (talib python and keras are just api wrapper built on top of them)
- Install redis
- Edit config.ini
- Add to crontab:
- once a day
- once an hour
- and each 15 minutes
- Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not, I don't know why!? Let's improve the code.
USE THIS BOT AND TRADE IN YOUR OWN RISK. The crypto market is going crazy, you may gain some but also may lose a lot, be careful!