Finding the best intrusion detection system on WUSTL EHMS 2020 Dataset for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Cybersecurity Research Data Set.
"Main.ipynb" contains all data processing, helper functions, models, and final run-through functions. Data is in file "data.csv". All other files are draft files where we experimented with creating our models.
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Network Flow Headers:
- Dir: Direction of the data flow. This can refer to whether data is inbound or outbound between source and destination.
- Flgs: Flags set in the network packets, often used in protocols like TCP to indicate specific packet states (e.g., SYN, ACK).
- SrcAddr: Source IP address of the device sending the data.
- DstAddr: Destination IP address of the device receiving the data.
- Sport: Source port number, which identifies the specific process on the source machine.
- Dport: Destination port number, identifying the specific process on the destination machine.
- SrcBytes: Number of bytes sent from the source device.
- DstBytes: Number of bytes received by the destination device.
- SrcLoad: Load or bandwidth usage from the source device.
- DstLoad: Load or bandwidth usage at the destination device.
- SrcGap: Time gap between consecutive packets sent from the source.
- DstGap: Time gap between consecutive packets received by the destination.
Packet Interval and Jitter
- SIntPkt: Interval between packets sent by the source (in milliseconds or seconds).
- DIntPkt: Interval between packets received by the destination.
- SIntPktAct: Actual interval of packets at the source, considering possible disruptions or attacks.
- DIntPktAct: Actual interval of packets at the destination.
- SrcJitter: Variation in packet intervals (jitter) for packets sent by the source.
- DstJitter: Variation in packet intervals (jitter) for packets received by the destination.
Packet Size:
- sMaxPktSz: Maximum packet size sent by the source.
- dMaxPktSz: Maximum packet size received by the destination.
- sMinPktSz: Minimum packet size sent by the source.
- dMinPktSz: Minimum packet size received by the destination.
Network Session:
- Dur: Duration of the session or data transfer.
- Trans: Number of transmissions that occurred during the session.
- TotPkts: Total number of packets transmitted in the session.
- TotBytes: Total number of bytes transmitted in the session.
- Load: The overall load on the network from this session.
Packet Loss and Rate
- Loss: Total number of packets lost during transmission.
- pLoss: Percentage of packets lost.
- pSrcLoss: Percentage of packets lost at the source.
- pDstLoss: Percentage of packets lost at the destination.
- Rate: Rate of data transmission, which could be in bits per second or packets per second.
MAC Addresses and Packet Count:
- SrcMac: MAC address of the source device.
- DstMac: MAC address of the destination device.
- Packet_num: Number assigned to each packet, helping in identifying sequence.
Biometric Data:
- Temp: Body temperature of the patient.
- SpO2: Oxygen saturation level in the patient’s blood.
- Pulse_Rate: Patient’s pulse rate.
- SYS: Systolic blood pressure of the patient.
- DIA: Diastolic blood pressure of the patient.
- Heart_rate: Overall heart rate of the patient.
- Resp_Rate: Patient’s respiratory rate.
- ST: ST segment from an ECG reading, which can indicate heart issues.
Attack Detection:
- Attack Category: Type or category of attack detected (e.g., DoS, probe, or other intrusion types).
- Label: Label indicating whether the traffic is normal or part of an attack.