Boost Libraries using build.zig
Replacing the CMake and B2 build system.
For C++ projects, zig c++
uses llvm-libunwind + llvm-libc++ (static-linking) by default.
Except, for MSVC target (-nostdlib++
- zig v0.14.0 or master
Build libraries
# Build no-header-only libraries
$ zig build -Doptimize=<Debug|ReleaseSafe|ReleaseFast|ReleaseSmall> \
-Dtarget=<triple-target> \
--summary <all|new> \
-Dcontext \
-Djson \
-Dsystem \
-Dcontainer \
-Dcobalt \
Project-Specific Options:
-Dtarget=[string] The CPU architecture, OS, and ABI to build for
-Dcpu=[string] Target CPU features to add or subtract
-Ddynamic-linker=[string] Path to interpreter on the target system
-Doptimize=[enum] Prioritize performance, safety, or binary size
Supported Values:
-Datomic=[bool] Build boost.atomic library (default: false)
-Dcharconv=[bool] Build boost.charconv library (default: false)
-Dcobalt=[bool] Build boost.cobalt library (default: false)
-Dcontainer=[bool] Build boost.container library (default: false)
-Dcontext=[bool] Build boost.context library (default: false)
-Dexception=[bool] Build boost.exception library (default: false)
-Dfiber=[bool] Build boost.fiber library (default: false)
-Dfilesystem=[bool] Build boost.filesystem library (default: false)
-Diostreams=[bool] Build boost.iostreams library (default: false)
-Djson=[bool] Build boost.json library (default: false)
-Dlog=[bool] Build boost.log library (default: false)
-Dnowide=[bool] Build boost.nowide library (default: false)
-Dprocess=[bool] Build boost.process library (default: false)
-Dpython=[bool] Build boost.python library (default: false)
-Drandom=[bool] Build boost.random library (default: false)
-Dregex=[bool] Build boost.regex library (default: false)
-Dserialization=[bool] Build boost.serialization library (default: false)
-Dstacktrace=[bool] Build boost.stacktrace library (default: false)
-Dsystem=[bool] Build boost.system library (default: false)
-Durl=[bool] Build boost.url library (default: false)
-Dwave=[bool] Build boost.wave library (default: false)
-Dshared=[bool] Build as shared library (default: false)
Make directory and init
$ zig init
## add in 'build.zig.zon' boost-libraries-zig package
$ zig fetch --save=boost git+
Add in build.zig
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const boost_dep = b.dependency("boost", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const boost_artifact = boost_dep.artifact("boost");
for(boost_artifact.root_module.include_dirs.items) |include_dir| {
try exe.root_module.include_dirs.append(b.allocator, include_dir);
// if not header-only, link library
Open update_zon.zig
and change const boost_version = "boost-version-tagged";
or add/sub url in git_urls
zig run -fsingle-threaded update_zon.zig