๐ https://docs.publishing.service.gov.uk/
This is a static site generated with Middleman, using alphagov/tech-docs-template.
Some of the files (like the CSS, javascripts and layouts) are managed in the template and are not supposed to be modified here. Any project-specific
Ruby code needs to go into /app
bundle install
bundle exec rake
SKIP_PROXY_PAGES=true ./startup.sh
The live docs site includes pages from other alphagov GitHub repositories. To test this locally, omit SKIP_PROXY_PAGES=true
from the command above.
The app downloads these "proxy pages" at startup and this can cause GitHub to rate limit your requests. You can pass a valid GitHub API token to the app to help avoid this:
Create a GitHub token. The token doesn't need any scopes.
Store the token in a
Start the application:
We host GOV.UK Developer Docs as a static site on GitHub Pages. The ci.yml GitHub Actions workflow updates the site automatically:
- when a PR is merged to the default branch
- on an hourly schedule, to pick up changes to docs included from other repos
NO_CONTRACTS=true bundle exec middleman build
This will create a build
directory containing a set of HTML files.