Highlights of improvements on AMD “Zen” core based processors.
- Improved performance of the following APIs:
- Double Precision SVD (DGESVD)
- Factorization routines DGETRF and ZGETRF
- Solver routines DGETRS and DGESV
- Option to link with AOCL-BLAS during build to enable invoking AOCL-BLAS internal APIs
- Applications using AOCL-LAPACK need to additionally link with AOCL-Utils library
- CMake improvements:
- Ease of running tests using Ctest
- ISA specific flags configurable during build
- Code Coverage build option
- OpenMP parallelism enabled in the following APIs to match LAPACK 3.11 implementation:
- {c,z}hetrd_hb2st, {s,d}sytrd_sb2st, iparam2stage
- Minor bug fixes and warnings addressed
- Test suite framework improvements and more test cases