Game Finder is a web application designed to provide users with an easy way to search for and view data about various games using the RAWG API. Whether you want to explore new games or find information about your favorite titles, Game Finder has got you covered.
Register a new account to access the page (a default account was already created, so you don't have to; more information will be provided in the login section). Use JSON Server Auth to register your account into the database (please note that this is a mock database for front-end purposes, and its functionalities are limited and insecure).
Use JSON Server Auth to log into your new account. Use of session token for auth created accounts. Default account created using the email: [email protected] and the password @Password123.
Search for any game you want on the page. Get a fast response with a list of games under the keyword that you search using the RAWG API.
Use of Local Storage to store latest searches made. Get a list of the previous searches and click on any of them to return to the search.
Responsive design: You can use Game Finder on any of your devices!
Use GameFinder in the theme that you prefer.
We set the theme to your computer's preferred schema, but you can change it anytime you want from the app.