A simple backend API for managing bank accounts, user authentication, and money transfers.
- User registration and authentication using JWT.
- Creating and managing bank accounts.
- Secure money transfers between accounts.
- Go (version 1.21.5)
- PostgreSQL (16.1)
- Building a simple API (Creating Bank accounts) .
- Postgres
- Docker
- Specific Architecture / " Design Pattern "
- Refactoring
- Login
- registration
- Tests
- Dockerizing Go " Add Dockerfile "
Creating Docker Network for our service :
docker network create backend_go_network
Initializing Postgres Docker container in our created Network :
docker run --name backend-go-postgres --network backend_go_network -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=backend -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Running containers along with their associated networks
docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Networks}}"
Build the go Docker Image :
docker build -t backend_go .
Then you good to go and run the container :
docker run -p 3000:3000 backend_go