Deep Learning Study Material
Here you can find deep learning material that are related to computer vision and medical imaging analysis.
- Intro to Computer Vision, historical context [slides] [video]
- Image classification, k-nearest neighbor, and linear classification [slides] [video]
- Python/numpy tutorial [link]
- Assignment #1 (kNN/SVM/Softmax) [link]
- [Extra] Style Guide for Python Code [link]
- [Extra] Kevin Keraundren's Tutorial for Python and Medical Image Analysis [link]
- Backpropagation and Introduction to neural networks [notes] [video]
- Neural Networks Part 1 [notes]
- [Extra] Backpropagation MIT lecture [video]
- Neural network part-II -- setting up the data and the model [notes] [video]
- Neural network part-III -- learning the network [notes] [video]
- Assignment #2 (Fully-connected Neural Network/Batch Normalization/Dropout) [link]
- [Extra] Batch normalization backpropagation [link1] [link2]
- Convolutional Neural Networks: architectures, convolution / pooling layers [notes] [video]
- Assignment #2 (ConvNet on CIFAR-10) [link]
- UCL DeepMind course [link]
- "Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction" Sutton et al. [1st edition] [2nd edition]
- "Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning" Szepesv´ari [book]
- Simple article about rl [link]
- tensorflow [ppt]
- tensorflow for begginers [link1] [link2]
- tensorflow examples and notebook [link1] [link2]
- tensorflow presentation [link]
- dive-into-tensorflow-part-v-deep-mnist [link]
- Reinforcement Learning Tutorial [link]
- Awesome deep vision
- Awesome computer vision
- Awesome machine learning
- Deep learning nature article
- CVIT summer school resources
- Theano
- Lasagne
- Caffe
- Tensorflow
- Keras Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation competition, using Keras
- Stanford
- Hinton
- Nando de Freitas
- Hugo Larochelle
- Udacity Deep Learning Course
- Bargava from Cisco systems
- Deep Learning Summer School (DLSS), Montreal 2016
- Hugo Larochelle's Youtube
- Nando de Freitas's Youtube
- CS231 Winter 2016 All Youtube