New Features
- implement Cava widget with customizable options 5940ef1
- connect aboutToQuit signal to stop taskbar widget events ef15a07
- correct syntax error in winget update command 0777216
- hide widget when API key or location is missing be368da
- update font family in default styles.css 1e1225a
- update PyQt6 version to >=6.8.0 c5ba37f
- update build version to 1.6.0 6176c3b
- comment out debug logging for weather data 2d9825a
Documentation Changes
- add Cava widget documentation and update sidebar bdb1d8b
YASB now reads font names in the same way as Windows. For example, the old font-family: "JetBrainsMono NFP"
has become font-family: "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Propo"
. To get the correct font name, open the font settings in Windows and copy the font name from there.
Full Changelog: v1.5.91...v1.6.0