- Introduced
to simplify installation of AMPL and all solvers across all Python environments including (Google Colab, Docker Containers, Continuous Integration Tools, etc.) - Now AMPL and all Solvers are available as Python Packages and can be installed as follows:
# Install Python API for AMPL
$ python -m pip install amplpy --upgrade
# Install solver modules (e.g., HiGHS, CBC, Gurobi)
$ python -m amplpy.modules install highs cbc gurobi
# Activate your license (e.g., free https://ampl.com/ce license)
$ python -m amplpy.modules activate <license-uuid>
# Import in Python
$ python
>>> from amplpy import AMPL
>>> ampl = AMPL() # instantiate AMPL object
[Documentation] [AMPL Modules for Python] [Available on Google Colab]