I am an Android developer from Norway living in the Netherlands with my girlfriend and dog 🐶
- I’m currently working as a freelancer for my own company Anders Technology BV
- In addition to Android I have experience with iOS programming with Swift, backend programming with Java/Kotlin/.NET and more
- I sometimes write about my Android adventures:
- https://dev.to/andersullnass/improving-snapshot-tests-with-paparazzi-1llp
- https://proandroiddev.com/oh-snap-966bd786b7a4?gi=1e2424f49ada
- https://medium.com/@Zredna/avoiding-memory-leaks-when-using-data-binding-and-view-binding-3b91d571c150
- https://medium.com/@Zredna/browsing-your-android-apps-database-3c67aa3f4a3c