This is collection of my and others' TikZ figures.
Goals, gaps, and research questions: goals-gaps-rq.tex
Future research/studies: future-research.tex
Stacked bar chart: stacked-bar-chart.tex
VM vs container: vm-vs-container.tex
Data poisoning figures have been adapted from the following paper:
Xue, M., Yuan, C., Wu, H., Zhang, Y., & Liu, W. (2020). Machine learning security: Threats, countermeasures, and evaluations. IEEE Access, 8, 74720-74742. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987435
Technology transfer model: technology-transfer-model.tex
Figure have been adapted from the following paper:
Gorschek, T., Garre, P., Larsson, S., & Wohlin, C. (2006). A model for technology transfer in practice. IEEE software, 23(6), 88-95.
Code review: code_review.tex
Created by Michael Dorner
Model fitting: model-fitting.tex
Created by Michael Dorner
Taxable transactions: taxable-transactions.tex
Created by Michael Dorner
Research cycle: research-cycle.tex
Created by Michael Dorner
Copyright © 2023-2025 Andreas Bauer
This work (TikZ source code) is licensed under MIT.