Create a new project first, f.e.:
composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my_project cd my_project
Add kaliber5's custom servers to the
composer config repositories.k5 composer https://composer.kaliber5.de composer config extra.symfony.endpoint https://flex.kaliber5.de
Install kaliber5's setup-pack recipe
composer req --dev kaliber5/setup-pack
Add a build command to the script section of
{ "scripts": { "build": [ "@composer install" ] } }
Now you're able to spin up the default docker environment and login into php's container
docker-compose up -d docker-compose exec php bash
Install the kaliber5's dev-pack recipe
composer req --dev kaliber5/dev-pack
Add the following scripts to the script section of
{ "scripts": { "test": [ "@composer install -n", "@dev-test" ], "dev-test": [ "APP_ENV=test vendor/bin/phpspec run -n", "APP_ENV=test vendor/bin/ecs check src --no-progress-bar", "APP_ENV=test vendor/bin/behat --colors" ], "ecs-fix": [ "APP_ENV=test vendor/bin/ecs check src --no-progress-bar --fix" ] } }
Install the kaliber5's api-pack recipe
composer req kaliber5/api-pack --no-scripts
After install replace the files
with the their underscored versions.
Full documentation is available here: Documentation
Published under the MIT License.