Based on article
- Docker
- Kafka Tool (if want to use custom UI instead of embedded UI)
cd single-node
docker compose up
cd cluster
docker compose up
- Zookeeper Host:
- Zookeeper Port:
- Bootstrap servers:
- Zookeeper Host:
- Zookeeper Port:
- Bootstrap servers:
Run from folder where docker compose up
was used:
docker compose down
The following topics are automatically created on startup:
- users (1 partition, RF=1)
- orders (1 partition, RF=1)
- notifications (1 partition, RF=1)
- users (2 partitions, RF=2)
- orders (2 partitions, RF=2)
- notifications (2 partitions, RF=2)
Kafka UI is available at http://localhost:8080 after starting the containers.
This project includes GitHub Actions workflow that automatically tests both configurations:
- Runs on push to master branch
- Runs on pull requests to master branch
- Can be triggered manually with choice of configuration to test (all/single-node/cluster)
To run tests manually:
- Go to Actions tab
- Select "Test Kafka Configurations"
- Click "Run workflow"
- Choose configuration to test
- Click "Run workflow"