This program solves levels of the game of Sokoban using A* search with a minimum cost heuristic. The program also allows interactively playing the game on the command line.
In the game of Sokoban, the player (represented as symbol x
) is charged
with moving crates (O
) to their destinations (.
). Once all crates are at
their destinations (0
), the game is won. Crates can only be moved by pushing.
Once a crate is pushed against a wall (#
), it cannot be moved further in that
direction, or away from it (since the player cannot get between the crate and
the wall to push).
Input can be given in one of two formats, toggled by the -l
The files sokobanNN.txt
in the new_lvls
folder show files in this format.
The format is as follows:
W H (two integers describing width and height, respectively, of board)
N_walls X_1 Y_1 X_2 Y_2 ... X_N Y_N (walls, each with two coordinates X_i, Y_i)
N_boxes X'_1 Y'_1 X'_2 Y'_2 ... X'_N Y'_N (boxes/crates, each with two coordinates X'_i, Y'_i)
N_goals X''_1 Y''_1 X''_2 Y''_2 ... X''_N Y''_N (destinations, each with two coordinates X''_i, Y''_i)
P_x P_Y (initial player position)
In the same new_lvls
folder, there are also visualNN.txt
files; these files
are simply visual representations of the corresponding sokobanNN.txt
To use them as input, use the -l
flag, described below.
This format is more convenient if one wishes to directly build levels in a text
editor. When supplying input using this format, the -l
flag must be given.
Files using the old format can be found in the old_lvls
directory. They use
the same representation as our game output in replay/interactive modes,
i.e. x
for the initial player position, #
for a wall, O
for a crate, and
for a destination. A trailing newline must be present in the input files.
In order to build this program, the boost C++ libraries must be available. On MacOS with Homebrew, run
brew install boost
to satisfy this prerequisite. Then, make sure you are in the sokoban directory and run
make sokoban
By default, the executable takes a Sokoban level input file (see new_lvls
directory for example format) and returns a solution to the level as number
of steps, and each individual step (up, down, left, right).
To run the program with the minimum cost heuristic run this command
./sokoban [path to imput file]
To run the program with the simple heuristic use the -s
./sokoban -s [path to input file]
Further usage information can be obtained by running the program without any options:
Usage: ./sokoban LEVEL [-p] [-s] [-v] [-r] [-l]
LEVEL: Path to Sokoban level text file.
-p: Play in interactive mode.
-s: Use simple heuristic (for performance comparison).
-v, -vv: Print (very) verbose output to stderr.
-r: Replay solution after it has been found
-l: Use alternative visual input format.
The game representation, logic, A* algorithm and simple heuristic was implemented by André Rösti.
Danny Ibrahim contributed the minimum cost heuristic based on the Hungarian algorithm.
The Hungarian algorithm implementation used is by
Cong Ma, see
The example levels in new_lvls
are adapted from Dr. Kalev Kask's CS271
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course at the University of California,