Now you can take the URL to any Pinterest board (or a CSV of a bunch of boards) and return a Python list of the URLs to the hi-rez versions of all of the images on the board.
Python 3
Selenium (pip install selenium)
Chrome driver ( Download and place in the directory) or Firefox:
brew install chromedriver
aria2c (a command line download utility)
- Mac:
brew install aria2
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install aria2
- Centos/Fedora:
sudo yum install aria2
- Mac:
A Pinterest Account
mv ./ ./
Add your username / password to
Then use:
./ <search term | board url> <destination folder[optional]>
For example:
./ "Persian cats" ./persian_cats
./ ./persian_cats
import scraper as s
# Returns an array of image urls
images = ph.runme("Persian Cats")
# Use a image board url instead
images = ph.runme("")
- Pinterest now uses /474x/ files instead of /236x/ . So changed it to 474x in the url search
- Changed to Chrome driver
- Moved to python 3
- removed dependency on pandas, pickle
- runs as a script with syntax ./ <search term | board url> <destination folder[optional]>