Implementation of a parallel efficient approximation algorithm for weighted B-matching Solution is based on paper:
From the abstract of Efficient approximation algorithms for weighted b-Matching (Khan, Arif, et al, 2016):
b-Matching is a generalization of the well-known Matching problem in graphs, where the objective is to choose a subset of M edges in the graph such that at most a specified number b(v) of edges in M are incident on each vertex v. Subject to this restriction we maximize the sum of the weights of the edges in M.
Input: A graph G = (V, E, w) and a vector b. Output: A 1/2−approximate edge weighted b-Matching M.
procedure Parallel b-Suitor(G, b):
Q = V ; Q'= {};
while Q is not empty:
for all vertices u in Q in parallel:
i = 1;
while i <= b(u) and N(u) != exhausted:
Let p in N(u) be an eligible partner of u;
if p != NULL:
Lock p;
if p is still eligible:
i = i + 1;
Make u a Suitor of p;
if u annuls the proposal of a vertex v:
Add v to Q';
Update db(v);
Unlock p;
N(u) = exhausted;
Update Q using Q';
Update b using db;