Evented Storage Agnostic Data API
Problem: You've got data and you want to do something whenever it changes.
Access and modify your data through the Tomes API and you'll get change events.
Play with a live demo here - http://bjornstar.github.com/tomes/
var filmData = {
cast: [
{ name: "Mr. Blonde", guns: 1, razors: 1 },
{ name: "Marvin Nash", ears: [ "left", "right" ], cop: true },
var reservoirDogs = Tome.conjure(filmData);
reservoirDogs.cast[1].on('readable', function (marvinNash) {
// >>> 2
// >>> 1
###Tome.conjure( data ) Returns a new Tome containing your data.
###Tome.typeOf( data ) Returns data's type as a string. Tomes has types that exist in JSON which are:
- array
- boolean
- null
- number
- object
- string As well as:
- undefined
###Tome.isTome( data ) Returns a boolean indicating whether data is a Tome or not.
###Tome.unTome( tome ) Returns a regular JavaScript version of your Tome.
- ArrayTome
- BooleanTome
- NullTome
- NumberTome
- ObjectTome
- StringTome
- UndefinedTome
###Tome.destroy( tome ) Make a tome and all of it's sub-tomes emit destroy. This will not delete anything.
###assign( data ) Assign data to a Tome.
###set( key, data ) Assign data to key on a Tome. Set will create a Tome on the key if it does not exist.
###del( key ) Delete a key from a Tome.
###swap( key, tome ) Swap key with tome.
###rename( key, newkey ) Rename key to newkey.
###move( key, tome, [ newkey ] ) Move key to tome. Optionally call it newkey on that tome.
###hide( [ boolean ] ) Hides a Tome. The Tome still exists in this tome, but will neither stringify nor show up in any events. Shows up as a delete in change operations.
###read( ) Get a single change operation from the root Tome, removing it in the process. Returns null if there are no changes.
###readAll( ) Get all change operations from the Tome
###merge( diff ) Applies a change operation or an array of change operations to a Tome.
###getKey( ) Returns a Tome's key.
###getParent( ) Returns a Tome's parent Tome.
###getVersion( ) Returns a Tome's version.
###is( value ) Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the Tome is observably indistinguishable from value (ref). If no value is given, returns whether or not the Tome's value is truthy.
###isDirty( ) Returns whether a Tome has been changed, but the change has not been read.
###add( key ) Emitted when a Tome receives a new key.
###del( key ) Emitted when a key is deleted from a Tome.
###destroy( ) Emitted when a Tome is deleted. Removes all event listeners for this Tome.
###readable( was ) Emitted every time a Tome or any of its child Tomes are altered. If the Tome was a primitive (ie. string, number, or boolean) the previous value will be emitted as well, but only if it did not change types.
###typeChange( tome, oldType, newType ) Emitted by the root tome when a Tome changes type.