Do you use i3wm with the bar set on hide mode? This mode lets you save the maximum screen space by hiding the bar unless the modifier key is pressed. By preventing status updates with the bar hidden, it also helps you save some battery.
All that is vanilla i3
. What this hotbar process does is to unhide/hide the
bar when your mouse cursor is over it, without the need to press the modifier
key. I know i3
is all about avoiding mouse usage, but to me this makes it more
comfortable to use with the hidden bar. If you are here, I hope you find it
useful as well.
This depends heavily on:
Some of the code is taken from their docs/examples, and I didn't strip comments or anything since, well, they are informative. All credit to their authors.
go get -u
Then on your ~/.i3/config
# Hotbar script
exec --no-startup-id $GOPATH/bin/i3-hotbar
Have fun!