A curated list of awesome aeternity resources
- Forum - Official platform for announcements and discussions
- AEXpansions - Proposals for off-protocol standards
- Blog - The Aeternity blog
- twitter/aeternity - Official twitter account
- twitter/aeternityTECH - Tech updates
- Node - The official aeternity node written in erlang
- Protocol specification - Documentation about the the aeternty protocol
- Aeternal - Node middleware
- Sophia - The Aeternity smart contract language
- Airgap - Offline secure wallet
- Base App - Webapp wallet and dAepp directory
- Waellet - Metamask for Aeternity
- Frontend - Frontend / explorer (Mainnet)
- Frontend - Frontend / explorer (Testnet)
- AEknow - Blockchain explorer (Mainnet)
- Javascript (Official)
- Python (Official)
- Go (Official)
- Elixir (Official)
- Java (Community)
- AEproject - Truffle for Aeternity
- Contracts editor (Fire editor) - Online contract editor
- Testnet faucet - Top-up your account on the Testnet network
- mainnet.aeternity.io - Mainnet API Gateway (node only)
- mainnet.aeternal.io - Mainnet gateway (with middleware)
- testnet.aeternity.io - Testnet API Gateway (node only)
- testnet.aeternal.io - Testnet gateway (with middleware)
- compiler.aepps.com - Hosted Sophia compiler
There is an extensive list of tutorials to get started, the following are instead sample applications
- Smart oracles in Elixir - Oracles with Elixir
- Contracts in Java - Interact with contracts with Java
- 4evaAens - Auto bidding for aens (Javascript)
- 4evaAens - Auto bidding for aens (Elixir)