What’s up, I’m Arnav. I’m a researcher living in Kolkata.
I am a Machine Learning Practitioner and a Quantum Computing Enthusiast.
I am a fan of Linux
and Open Source Softwares
How to reach me: [email protected]
Also, my about.me handle is arnav-das.
const arnav = {
fullname: "Arnav Das",
mail: [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
languages: [ Python, C#, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS ],
neuralnetwork: [ Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, Caffe, Mxnet, Sonnet, Theano ],
web: [ Django, Flask, Bootstrap, jQuery, REST API ],
quantum: [ Qiskit ],
os: [ Debian, macOS ],
bigdata: [ OpenSearch, Elastic ],
cloud: [ Docker, AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku ],
topic: [ "Machine Learning", "Cyber Security", "Quantum Computing" ],
techCommunities: [
"Qiskit Translation",
"বাংলায় কোয়ান্টাম কম্পিউটিং (Banglai Quantum Computing)"
experience: {
intern: "TeamCognito",
techbizzAssociate: "TeamCognito",
machineLearningLead: "TeamCognito",
researchLead: "Zeron",
researchIntern: "QResearch",