IActiveScript implementation for Ruby2.x both Win32/Win64 MT
- IActiveScript interface for ruby interpreter
- It can write ruby code as embeded script. For example HTA (Html application).
- Rubyizer
- Rubyizer is simple COM object that exports ruby object into the caller's environment.
The below VBScript code illustrates the power of Rubyizer.
set r = CreateObject("ruby.object.2.2")
WSH.echo r.RubyVersion '=>2.2.0-p0 (x64-mswin64_100)
Set reg = r.erubyize("/\Azb(\d+)(a?)C/")
Set m = reg.match("zb321aC")
If Not m Is Nothing Then
group = m.to_a
WSH.echo "match:" & group(0) '=>zb321aC
WSH.echo "1st group:" & group(1) '=>321
WSH.echo "2nd group:" & group(2) '=>a
End If
- line 2 : instantiate Rubyizer
- line 4 : Rubyizer#erubyize evaluates the string argument as Ruby script and returns the evaluated value as an object. In this sample code, the argument is a ruby's Regexp literal, therefore the returned value is Regexp object.
- line 5 : send 'match' to the Regex object and set the result object to a variable 'm'.
- line 7 : get the result array from Match object and set it to a variable 'group'.
- line 8 : Because 'group' is VBScript's array, it can accessed its element with (index) syntax.
convert the argument to the rubyized object.
set r = CreateObject("ruby.object.2.2")
set num = r.rubyize(3) ' get ruby Fixnum object
WSH.echo num.next ' => 4
evaluate the argument as ruby code. it returns the evaluated result as a rubyized object.