Please use Golang 1.16.4 from the beginning because there seems to be a problem with Go1.17 and gin gonic.
If you already have a golang 1.17.x please do as follows:
go get
go1.16.4 download
Execute the api running:
Newest folder structure:
go1.16.4 run main.go
Old folder structure:
Go1.16.4 run api/api.go
To remove the vendor folder from the project just delete the vendor folder with rm -rf vendor
and then run:
go1.16.4 mod tidy
Extra dependencies if needed are added with go get url of the dependencies and then re run go1.16.4 mod tidy
To re-create the vendor folder in your project just run go1.16.4 mod vendor
To run tests, when available just run:
go1.16.4 test ./...
GoSqlMock : v1.5.0
Gin: v1.7.4
GORM: v1.9.16
Testify: v1.4.0