Code was written in Python 3. I chose python since I'm trying to get better at web scraping and Python seems to be a good tool for it.
Executing the script prompts a GUI interface asking the user to enter their fantasy team ID. This can be found easily on the wesite. Clicking the submit button then proceeds to import all json data from the website and exporting it to excel.
Whatever is required by the openpyxl and tkinter modules, ie,
- Windows/Mac device (The app won't work on Mac since I used pyinstaller on Windows to generate the executable. However you should still be able to run a revised code on a Mac device if you have Python)
- Microsoft Excel 2010 or newer
- tkinter - for GUI
- requests - to fetch json data from FPL website
- openpyxl - to write the imported data to excel workbook
- os - to show the path of the created excel file
- I've also used urlopen and base64 to read the FPL logo off of an imgur link to place it in the GUI
- Gameweek Score
- Gameweek Average Score
- Points Benched
- Transfers Made for GW
- Transfer Cost
- Gameweek Rank
- Overall Points
- Overall Rank
- Position in overall leaderboard
- Team Value
- Weekly Squad
- Chips Used and when
- Complete Transfer history with values
- Final Dream Team
- FPL Cup history
- Classic League Ranks
- H2H Ranks
- Individual player scores for each GW
- Weekly Dream Team
-{}/event/{}/picks (FPL ID, Gameweek number) - Live team points
-{}/history (GW number) - GW history
- - Contains all player data
-{}/transfers (GW number) - Transfer history
- - Dream team
-{}/cup - Cup History
-{}/live (FPL ID) - Live Player Points
-{} (GW Number) - Weekly Dream Team