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Convenience Library to make using the various avaje libraries with helidon easier.

Along with Helidon SE, It transitively brings in the following avaje libraries:

The generator module transitively brings in the following avaje services and annotation processors (which will not be included into your final jar):

  • http-client-generator
  • http-helidon-generator
  • inject-generator
  • jsonb-generator
  • record-builder
  • spi-service
  • validator-generator

How to use

Step 1 - Add dependencies

Add the avaje-nima dependency.


Add the avaje-nima-test as a test dependency. This is to support testing the application by starting the web server on a random port for tests.


And add avaje-nima-generator as an annotation processor. This will transitively include all the avaje processors.


JDK 22+

In JDK 22+, annotation processors are disabled by default, you will need to add a flag in maven to re-enable.


Step 2 - Create a controller

import io.avaje.http.api.*;

class HelloController {

    String hello() {
        return "hello world";

On compilation, a HelloController$Route will be generated into generated-sources. This will have Helidon SE adapter code for the HelloController registering the path and handling the request and response.

On compilation, a HelloController$DI and HelloController$Route$DI will be generated to handle dependency injection for the controller and the route adapter.

Step 3 - Use the Nima Class to start the application

The Nima class will start a BeanScope, register generated controller routes, and start the helidon webserver.

The Nima class will search your BeanScope for a WebServerConfig.Builder, if you provide one in your BeanScope it will be used to configure the webserver.

  void main() {

    var webServer = Nima.builder()


Step 4 - Run and curl test

Run the application and use curl to test

curl localhost:8080

Step 5 - Create a unit test

Create a unit test that will start the application on a random port, and make a call to the controller method and assert the response is as expected.

package org.example;

import io.avaje.http.client.HttpClient;
import io.avaje.inject.test.InjectTest;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;


import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

class HelloTest {

    // Injecting a HttpClient into a test means the test plugin will
    // automatically start the application on a random port
    // and inject a client with a base url pointing to the server (and shutdown the webserver after
    // the test has completed).
    static HttpClient httpClient;

    void hello() {
        HttpResponse<String> res = httpClient.request()

      assertThat(res.body()).isEqualTo("hello world");


Module use

The io.avaje.nima module transitively includes:

  • io.avaje.config
  • io.avaje.http.api
  • io.avaje.inject
  • io.avaje.jsonb
  • io.avaje.jsonb.plugin
  • io.helidon.webserver
module nima.example {

  requires io.avaje.nima;

  requires io.avaje.http.client; //if using avaje http client
  requires io.avaje.validation.http; //if using avaje validator
  requires static io.avaje.recordbuilder; //if using avaje record builder
  requires static io.avaje.spi; //if using avaje services