a small boat that maneuvers Docker vessels
Docker is a manager for the containment of applications. Tugboat is a small library that speaks the docker protocol for moving applications and containers in and out of your local seaport.
Add the following to your sbt project definition
resolvers += "softprops-maven" at "http://dl.bintray.com/content/softprops/maven"
libraryDependencies += "me.lessis" %% "tugboat" % "0.2.0"
Tugboat provides interfaces for interacting with a docker daemon over http, returning Scala Futures containing docker responses. This requires docker is resolvable via tcp. See the docker documentation on how to set this up. In some docker-ready environments like boot2docker, this is the default.
Tugboat will work out of the box communicating with a local docker daemon over a unix domain socket unix:///var/run/docker.sock
but will adapt when various conventional env vars set.
name | value |
DOCKER_HOST | the tcp host where the docker daemon is bound to |
DOCKER_CERT_PATH | the base path of were docker tls key.pem, cert.pem, and ca.pem files will be resolved |
DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY | any non empty string is considered truthy |
You can discover the values for these yourself by typing the following in your terminal
Specific API interfaces like build
, events
, logs
, push
and pull
, responses are streamed.
Below are some examples of manning your local dock.
Since we will be interacting with Scala Future's, an implicit ExecutionContext
is assumed
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
Create a docker tugboat client. You may optionally supply your docker daemon's host as a constructor argument
val docker = tugboat.Docker()
Each operation defined on a docker will define an apply
interface or a stream
interface depending no the type of
response the docker daemon serves. Apply interfaces, given no argument, will return a Scala representation of the
resuling json. You may define your'e own handlers for responses as Response => T
where T
is the type you wish to return.
The examples below assume the default Scala representations.
Inspect your station. Identical to the docker info
Print the make and model of docker harbor. Identical to the docker version
Search the sea of docker images for something that looks like a ship.
Identical to the docker search ship
.term("ship")().foreach {
_.foreach { img =>
List the images docked at your station
Identical to the docker images
docker.images.list().foreach {
_.foreach { image =>
Be your own shipping port
Keep an close eye on activity in your harbor
import tugboat.Event
val (stopper, completeFuture) = docker.events.stream {
case Event.Record(status, id, from, time) =>
println(s"container $id: $status")
// ...fire up, start, stop, and remove some containers // to terminate the stream, call stop() on the stopper returned by subscribing // to the stream stopper.stop()
Usher a ship out to sea
Identical to the command docker build -t ssScala path/to/dir/Dockerfile/is/in
import tugboat.Build
docker.images.build(new java.io.File("path/to/dir/Dockerfile/is/in")).tag("ssScala").stream {
case Build.Progress(prog) => println(prog)
case Build.Status(status) => println(status)
case Build.Error(err, _, _) => println(err)
Usher foreign ships into harbor
Identical to the docker pull captain/ship
import tugboat.Pull
docker.images.pull("captain/ship").stream {
case Pull.Status(msg) => println(msg)
case Pull.Progress(msg, _, details) =>
details.foreach { dets =>
case Pull.Error(msg, _) => println(msg)
Verify with the admiral that your captain credentials are still respectable
Identical to the docker login -u username -p password -e email
import tugboat.AuthConfig
val auth = AuthConfig(user, password, email)
Announce your captainship when issuing orders to the crew
Identical to the docker pull internalregistry.com/captain/ship
docker.as(auth).images.pull("captain/ship").registry("internalregistry.com").stream {
case Pull.Status(msg) => println(msg)
case Pull.Progress(msg, _, details) =>
details.foreach { dets =>
case Pull.Error(msg, _) => println(msg)
Fashion a new boat from a dependable stack of material and start the engines
Identical to the docker run -p 80:80 captain/ship
(for {
container <- docker.containers.create("captain/ship")()
run <- docker.containers.get(container.id).start.bind(
tugboat.Port.Tcp(80), tugboat.PortBinding.local(80)
} yield container.id).foreach(println)
Produce a roster of ships out to sea
Identical to the docker ps
Anchor to a live boat
val ship = docker.containers.get(id)
Inspect the boat.
Identical to the docker inspect ship
Fetch the the captains logs
Identical to the docker logs ship
Stop the boat after 5 seconds
Identical to the docker stop ship
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Restart the boat in 5 seconds
Identical to the docker restart ship
Eetire the ship
Identical to the docker rm ship
Doug Tangren (softprops) 2014-2015