A silly C program example to demonstrate doxygen
- Doxygen
- GraphViz (dot) [optionally]
- make [on *nix]
If generating PDFs:
- PDF-LaTeX (I use MikTex). This may ask for permission, and install sub packages during a make operation
- Ghostscript
- To generate doxygen documentation run:
doxygen ./doxygen/Doxyfile
Generate HTML will be located in the location specified by the Doxyfile, in this
case ./doxygen/documentation/html
If also generating a PDF, an extra step is required. this can take a long time, especially on large projects:
- On Windows:
> ./doxygen/documentation/latex/make.bat
- On *nix:
$ make all -C ./doxygen/documentation/latex/
The resulting PDF is named refman.pdf and is placed in the latex directory.