Crypto-Trader is an algorithmic trading platform where anyone can code their own trading algorithms and run them with ease.
- Create an account with a supported crypto-currency exchange.
- Create API secret keys for the account on the respective exchange.
- Code your trading algorithm in the algorithm.js file using the applied JavaScript API built into the repo.
- Run Crypto-Trader: $npm start
- Click on the algorithm tab and click start!
- ticker = "BTC-ETH"
- currency = "ETH"
- cancelOrder(apiKey, secretKey, orderUUID) -> cancels the order with the orderUUID.
- getMarketHistory(ticker, callback) -> retrieves the market history for the given ticker.
- getOrderBook(ticker, callback) -> retrieves the order book for the given ticker.
- getOpenOrders(apiKey, secretKey, ticker, callback) -> retrieves the open orders list for the given ticker.
- getWithdrawlHistory(apiKey, secretKey, currency, callback) -> retrieves the withdrawl history for the given currency.
- getDepositHistory(apiKey, secretKey, currency, callback) -> retrieves the deposit history for the given currency.
- placeSellOrder(apiKey, secretKey, ticker, quantity, rate, callback) -> places a limit sell order for the ticker at quantity for rate price.
- placeBuyOrder(apiKey, secretKey, ticker, quantity, rate, callback) -> places a limit buy order for the ticker at quantity for rate price.
- getTickerBalances(apiKey, secretKey, baseCurrency, tradeCurrency, callback) -> gets the balances for the base and trade currencies.
- getMarketStats(ticker, callback) -> gets the market data including: [24hr volume, highest bid, lowest ask, 24hr highest bid, 24hr lowest ask].
- getMarketSummaries(callback) -> returns the market summaries for the entire exchange.
- Bittrex