WindowWeaver is a powerful and intuitive window management tool designed for macOS. It helps you organize your workspace quickly and efficiently.
✨ Features
🔷 Split screen into thirds (left, center, right)
🔲 Split screen into halves (left, right)
📍 Position windows in corners (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)

⚡️ Quick Installation
Download the latest version: WindowWeaver v1.0.0 Extract the ZIP file Move the WindowWeaver application to the Applications folder Launch the app and grant the necessary permissions
⌨️ Keyboard Shortcuts

🔧 System Requirements
-macOS 11.0 or later
-64-bit processor
-Accessibility permissions
🔒 Privacy & Security
-Notarized by Apple
-Uses only the necessary system permissions
-Does not require an internet connection
-Does not collect any data
🤝 Contribute
Your feedback and contributions are highly valued! You can contribute by opening an issue or submitting a pull request on GitHub.
📞 Contact