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Babylon Wallet Connector

The Babylon Wallet Connector repository provides the wallet connection component used in the Babylon Staking Dashboard. This component enables the connection of both Bitcoin and Babylon chain wallets.

Key Features

  • Unified interfaces for Bitcoin and Babylon wallet connections
  • Support for browser extension wallets
  • Support for hardware wallets
  • Mobile wallet compatibility through injectable interfaces
  • Tomo Connect integration for broader wallet ecosystem


The Babylon Wallet Connector provides a unified interface for integrating both Bitcoin and Babylon wallets into Babylon dApp. It supports both native wallet extensions and injectable mobile wallets.

The main architectural difference is that native wallets are built into the library, while injectable wallets can be dynamically added by injecting their implementation into the webpage's window object before the dApp loads.


npm i @babylonlabs-io/wallet-connect

Version Release

Stable version

Stable release versions are manually released from the main branch.


npm run dev

Wallet Integration

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Breaking changes to the wallet methods used by the Babylon web application are likely to cause incompatibility with it or lead to unexpected behavior with severe consequences.

Please make sure to always maintain backwards compatibility and test thoroughly all changes affecting the methods required by the Babylon web application. If you are unsure about a change, please reach out to the Babylon Labs team.

This guide explains how to integrate wallets with the Babylon staking app. The dApp supports both Bitcoin and Babylon wallets through two integration paths:

1. Browser extension wallets

The recommended way to integrate your wallet with Babylon staking app is through Tomo Connect SDK Lite. Please refer to Tomo's documentation for integration details.

2. Mobile wallets

Full interface definitions can be found in src/core/types.ts.

Below we outline the interfaces for Bitcoin and Babylon wallets that need to be implemented for integration with the Babylon staking app.


export interface IProvider {
   * Connects to the wallet and returns the instance of the wallet provider.
   * Currently Bitcoin only supports Native SegWit and Taproot address types.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to an instance of the wrapper wallet provider.
   * @throws An error if the wallet is not installed or if connection fails.
  connectWallet(): Promise<void>;

   * Gets the address of the connected wallet.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the address of the connected wallet.
  getAddress(): Promise<string>;

   * Gets the public key of the connected wallet.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the public key of the connected wallet.
  getPublicKeyHex(): Promise<string>;


interface IBTCProvider extends IProvider {
   * Signs the given PSBT in hex format.
   * @param psbtHex - The hex string of the unsigned PSBT to sign.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the hex string of the signed PSBT.
  signPsbt(psbtHex: string): Promise<string>;

   * Signs multiple PSBTs in hex format.
   * @param psbtsHexes - The hex strings of the unsigned PSBTs to sign.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of hex strings, each representing a signed PSBT.
  signPsbts(psbtsHexes: string[]): Promise<string[]>;

   * Gets the network of the current account.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the network of the current account.
  getNetwork(): Promise<Network>;

   * Signs a message using either BIP322-Simple or ECDSA signing method.
   * @param message - The message to sign.
   * @param type - The signing method to use.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the signed message.
    message: string,
    type: "bip322-simple" | "ecdsa",
  ): Promise<string>;

   * Retrieves the inscriptions for the connected wallet.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of inscriptions.
  getInscriptions(): Promise<InscriptionIdentifier[]>;

   * Registers an event listener for the specified event.
   * At the moment, only the "accountChanged" event is supported.
   * @param eventName - The name of the event to listen for.
   * @param callBack - The callback function to be executed when the event occurs.
  on(eventName: string, callBack: () => void): void;

   * Unregisters an event listener for the specified event.
   * @param eventName - The name of the event to listen for.
   * @param callBack - The callback function to be executed when the event occurs.
  off(eventName: string, callBack: () => void): void;

   * Gets the name of the wallet provider.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the name of the wallet provider.
  getWalletProviderName(): Promise<string>;

   * Gets the icon of the wallet provider.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the icon of the wallet provider.
  getWalletProviderIcon(): Promise<string>;


export interface IBBNProvider extends IProvider {
   * Gets the name of the wallet provider.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the name of the wallet provider.
  getWalletProviderName(): Promise<string>;

   * Gets the icon of the wallet provider.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the icon of the wallet provider.
  getWalletProviderIcon(): Promise<string>;

   * Retrieves an offline signer that supports both Amino and Direct signing methods.
   * This signer is used for signing transactions offline before broadcasting them to the network.
   * @returns {Promise<OfflineAminoSigner & OfflineDirectSigner>} A promise that resolves to a signer supporting both Amino and Direct signing
   * @throws {Error} If wallet connection is not established or signer cannot be retrieved
  getOfflineSigner(): Promise<OfflineAminoSigner & OfflineDirectSigner>;

   * Retrieves an offline signer that supports either Amino or Direct signing methods.
   * This is required for compatibility with older wallets and hardware wallets (like Ledger) that do not support both signing methods.
   * This signer is used for signing transactions offline before broadcasting them to the network.
   * @returns {Promise<OfflineAminoSigner & OfflineDirectSigner>} A promise that resolves to a signer supporting either Amino or Direct signing
   * @throws {Error} If wallet connection is not established or signer cannot be retrieved
  getOfflineSignerAuto?(): Promise<OfflineAminoSigner | OfflineDirectSigner>;

   * Registers an event listener for the specified event.
   * At the moment, only the "accountChanged" event is supported.
   * @param eventName - The name of the event to listen for.
   * @param callBack - The callback function to be executed when the event occurs.
  on(eventName: string, callBack: () => void): void;

   * Unregisters an event listener for the specified event.
   * @param eventName - The name of the event to listen for.
   * @param callBack - The callback function to be executed when the event occurs.
  off(eventName: string, callBack: () => void): void;
  1. Implement provider interface
  2. Inject into window before loading dApp:
// For Bitcoin wallets
window.btcwallet = new BTCWalletImplementation();

// For Babylon wallets
window.bbnwallet = new BBNWalletImplementation();