is a small Python3
package that allows you to easily navigate and manipulate an LDAP directory-information-tree(DIT).
It neatly wraps around the standard ldap
package and takes away all the nasty bits and pieces of boiler-plating, while making your code more readable.
pip install ldap_hopper
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from ldap_hopper import Config, Cursor
# define an access configuration
config = Config(
# bind_dn='',
# bind_pw='',
# use_tls=True,
# creating a cursor
root = Cursor(config)
# traversal via standard generators
[child for child in root.children]
[sub for sub in root.subtree]
# adding a child node
dn = 'ou=crew,dc=example,dc=com'
attrs = {
'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit'],
'ou': ['crew'],
cursor = root.add(dn, attrs)
# searching defaults to ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
[result for result in root.search('ou=crew')]
from ldap_hopper import Scope
[r for r in root.search('objectClass=*', Scope.onelevel)]
# manipulating attributes
cursor.attrs['description'] = 'Lorem ipsum...'
del cursor.attrs['desciption']
# deleting an entire object
git clone github.com:baccenfutter/ldap_hopper.git
cd ldap_hopper
pipenv install --dev
Source: https://github.com/baccenfutter/ldap_hopper
PyPi : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ldap_hopper/