⚠️ This is outdated and im now working on a GUI version of this
a simple way to send messages to a discord webhook and more!
Features. Messaging Nitro Gen Spammer
Things tested on
Python 3.11
Not tested
if you have tested this and it has worked on your system with diffrent versions and OS make a pull request editing this section
for any issues please create a new issue in the tab and ill try to fix it
pip install -r requirements.txt
alternatively use
pip install discordwebhooks
++ NOTE ++ the cfg is the same for all python files, if you wish to use another webhook for a diffrent file download it again and configure as such
the cfg.py file should look a little something like this
wh = ""
username = ""
pfp = ""
Change the wh variable to your webhook url
Change the username variable to whatever you would like the username to be
and change the pfp variable to a image url such as https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9a/Trollface_non-free.png/220px-Trollface_non-free.png
shocking, i know
you just run the python file lol
now simply type in anything you would like the bot to send this follows the same discord md format anyway this was just a little something i whipped up