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Convenient type serialization and deserialization in Rust for binary formats.

Parsely uses derive macros to automatically implement serialization and deserialization methods for your types.

This crate is heavily inspired by the Deku crate (and is nowhere near as complete). See Differences from Deku below.


Say you want to parse an RTCP header formatted like so:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|    SC   |      PT       |             length            |

Where the version (V) field should always contain the value 2. The code to serialize and deserialize it can be written with Parsely like this:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
pub struct RtcpHeader {
    #[parsely(assertion = "|v: &u2| *v == 2")]
    pub version: u2,
    pub has_padding: bool,
    pub report_count: u5,
    pub packet_type: u8,
    pub length_field: u16,

Reading that struct from a Vec<u8> looks like this:

use parsely::*;

fn do_read(data: Vec<u8>) {
  let mut cursor = BitCursor::from_vec(data);

  let rtcp_header = RtcpHeader::read::<NetworkOrder, _>(&mut cursor, ())
    .context("Reading RtcpHeader")

Writing it out to a buffer looks like this:

use parsely::*;

fn do_write(rtcp_header: RtcpHeader) {
  let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 2];
  let mut cursor = BitCursor::from_vec(data);
  let result = header.write::<NetworkOrder, _>(&mut cursor, ());


The ParselyRead trait is used for reading data from a buffer. ParselyRead can be derived and its logic customized via the attributes described below, but can also be manually implemented.

pub trait ParselyRead<Ctx>: Sized {
    fn read<T: ByteOrder, B: BitRead>(buf: &mut B, ctx: Ctx) -> ParselyResult<Self>;

The ParselyWrite trait is used for writing data to a buffer. Like ParselyRead, ParselyWrite can be derived and customized or manually implemented.

pub trait ParselyWrite<Ctx>: Sized {
    fn write<T: ByteOrder, B: BitWrite>(&self, buf: &mut B, ctx: Ctx) -> ParselyResult<()>;

Sometimes serializing or deserializing a type requires additional data that may come from somewhere else. The Ctx generic can be defined as a tuple and the ctx argument can be used to pass additional values.

See the Context and required context section below for more information.

The ByteOrder generic is used to describe how the data is laid out in the buffer (e.g. LittleEndian or BigEndian). The BitRead/BitWrite types are the buffer to read from/write to. It comes from the bit-cursor crate.


Parsely defines various attributes to make parsing different structures possible. There are 3 modes of applying attributes:

  • read + write via #[parsely]
  • read-only via #[parsely_read]
  • write-only via #[parsely_write]

Some attributes are only available for reading or writing


An assertion is applied to the value pulled from the buffer after reading or to the field before writing. They allow reading and/or writing to fail when the assertion fails. An assertion can either be a closure or the path to a function. Both styles must be functions which take a reference to the value's type and return a boolean.

Mode Available


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#[derive(Debug, ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
pub struct MyStruct {
  #[parsely(assertion = "|v: &u8| *v == 42")]
  pub value: u8,
fn my_assertion(value: &u8) -> bool {
  *value == 42

#[derive(Debug, ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
pub struct MyStruct {
  #[parsely(assertion = "my_assertion")]
  pub value: u8,


A transformation may be applied to a value read from a buffer before assigning it to the field, or to a field's value before writing it to the buffer.

Because the signatures for read and write map functions are slightly different, the map attribute must be applied independently for reading and writing via #[parsely_read] and #[parsely_write]

When passed via #[parsely_read], the argument must evaluate to a function which takes a type T by value, where T is ParselyRead and should return a ParselyResult<U>, where U matches the type of the field.

When passed via #[parsely_write], the argument must evaluate to a function which takes a reference to a type T, where T is the type of the field and returns a ParselyResult<U> where U is ParselyWrite.

Mode Available


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This (quite contrived) example has a boolean field but reads a u1 from the buffer and converts it. On write it does the opposite.

#[derive(ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
struct Foo {
    #[parsely_read(map = "|v: u1| -> ParselyResult<bool> { Ok(v > 0) }")]
    #[parsely_write(map = "|v: &bool| -> ParselyResult<u1> { Ok(u1::from(*v)) }")]
    one: bool,


When reading a Vec, we need to know how many elements to read. The count attribute is used to describe how many elements should be read from the buffer.

Any expression can be passed that evaluates to a number that can be used in a range expression.

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This (quite contrived) example has a boolean field but reads a u1 from the buffer and converts it. On write it does the opposite.

#[derive(ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
struct Foo {
    data_size: u8,
    // Here we refer to the previously-read 'data_size' field to describe the length
    #[parsley_read(count = "data_size")]
    data: Vec<u8>,


Optional fields need to be given a predicate that describe when they should be attempted to be read. The when attribute takes an expression that evaluates to a boolean. A result of true means the field will be read from the buffer, false means it will be skipped and set to None.

Mode Available


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This (quite contrived) example has a boolean field but reads a u1 from the buffer and converts it. On write it does the opposite.

#[derive(ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
struct Foo {
    has_value: bool,
    // Here we refer to the previously-read 'has_value' field to describe whether or not this field is present
    #[parsley_read(when = "has_value")]
    value: Option<u32>,

Assign from



Dependent fields

Often times packets will have fields whose values depend on other fields. A header might have a length field that should reflect the size of a payload. Parsely defines multiple attributes to define these relationships:

The sync_args attribute is used on a struct to define what external information is needed in order to sync its fields correctly.

The sync_func attribute is used on a specific field to define how it should use the args from sync_args in order to sync.

The sync_with attribute is used to pass information to a field to synchronize it.

All types annotated with ParselyWrite have a sync method generated that looks like this:

pub fn sync(&mut self, sync_args: ___) -> ParselyResult<()>;

where sync_args is a tuple containing the types defined in the sync_args attribute.

This sync function should be called explicitly before writing the type to a buffer to make sure all fields are consistent.

Mode Available


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Here, a header contains a length field that should describe the length of the entire packet. The payload contains a variable-length array, so its length needs to be taken into account rest of the payload. A field from the header is passed as context to the payload parsing.

use parsely::*;

#[derive(Debug, ParselyWrite)]
// sync_args denotes that this type's sync method takes additional arguments.  By default a type's
// sync field takes no arguments
#[parsely_write(sync_args("payload_length_bytes: u16"))]
struct Header {
    version: u8,
    packet_type: u8,
    // sync_func can refer to an expression or a function and will be used to update the annotated
    // field, it should evaluate to ParselyResult<T> where T is the type of the field.  You can
    // refer to variables defined in sync_args.
    #[parsely_write(sync_func = "ParselyResult::Ok(payload_length_bytes + 4)")]
    length_bytes: u16,

#[derive(Debug, ParselyWrite)]
struct Packet {
    // sync_with attributes add lines to this type's sync method to call sync on its fields (and
    // what arguments to pass)
    #[parsely_write(sync_with(" as u16"))]
    header: Header,
    data: Vec<u8>,

fn main() {
    let mut packet = Packet {
        header: Header {
            version: 1,
            packet_type: 2,
            length_bytes: 0,
        data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4],


    assert_eq!(packet.header.length_bytes, 8);

Context and required context

Sometimes in order to read or write a struct or field, additional data is needed. Structs can declare what additional data is needed via the required_context attribute. Additional data can be also be passed down to fields via the context attribute. Any required_context or previously-parsed field name can be used.

The argument passed to required_context is a comma-separated list of typed function arguments (e.g. size: u8, name: String). The variable names there can be used in other attributes.

The argument passed to context is a comma-separated list of expressions that evaluate to values that should be passed to that field's read and/or write method.

Mode Available


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Here, a header is parsed first which contains information needed to parse the rest of the payload. A field from the header is passed as context to the payload parsing.

#[derive(ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
struct FooHeader {
  packet_type: u8,
  payload_len: u32,

#[derive(ParselyRead, ParselyWrite)]
// Foo needs additional context in order to be parsed from a buffer
#[parsely_read(required_context("len: u32"))]
struct Foo {
    // The required_context variable is accessible and can be referred to when
    // describing the length of the Vec that should be read
    #[parsely_read(count = "len")]
    data: Vec<u8>,

let foo_header = FooHeader::read<NetworkOrder, _>(&mut buf, ()).unwrap();
// Pass the relevant field from header to the payload's read method
let foo_payload = Foo::read<NetworkOrder, _>(&mut buf, (foo_header.payload_len,)).unwrap();


  • Unit/Newtype/Tuple struct and enum support
  • Probably need some more options around collections (e.g. while)

Differences from Deku

The original intent for writing this crate was to come up with a straightforward, generic way to quickly write serialization and deserialization code for packets. It does not strive to be a "better Deku": if you're writing any sort of production code, Deku is what you want. The goal here was to have an excuse to play around with derive macros and have a library that I could leverage for other personal projects. That being said, here are a couple decisions I made that, from what I can tell, are different from Deku:

  1. The nsw-types crate is used to describe fields of non-standard widths (u3, u18, u33, etc. as opposed to using u8, u16, etc. and specifying the number of bits via an attribute), which makes message definitions more explicitly-typed and eliminates the needs for extra attributes. The tradeoff here is that a special cursor type (BitCursor) is required to process the buffer.

  2. Byte order is specified as part of the read and write calls as opposed to the struct definition. Deku may support this as well, but I didn't even add attributes to denote a type's byte order because it felt like that should exist outside the type's definition.

  3. More...


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