Build a Contentful App using Vite. 🍟
🛹 Write components in React
🎨 Use the next generation utility-first CSS framework Windi CSS
⚡️ Lightning fast development thanks to Vite 2!
⚙️ APIs & Components Auto import
🤹 Components registered inside the components directory
🪝 React & React Hooks
✂️ React-Use
💝 Enjoy a great dev experience with TypeScript
💪 Comes with ESLint & Prettier to help you write neat code
# create a new project
$ npx degit bcakmakoglu/contentful-vite-starter my-app
# or just clone the repo
$ git clone my-app
# you're free to use the package manager of your choosing
$ pnpm install
After setting up your Contentful App config on the Contentful Web Application, you can start development. For instructions on setting up the App check the documentation.
# start (dev)
$ pnpm dev
# build app
$ pnpm build
# serve app from dist dir
$ pnpm serve
# upload dist dir to contentful
$ pnpm upload