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feat(UF): Store domains inside the union-find
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This patch adds the ability to store domains (as used in the bit-vector,
enum and ADT theories) directly in the union-find structure, which is
responsible for updating them automatically as class representatives are

The advantages of doing this are twofold: we no longer need to manually
keep track of substitutions (avoiding the issue that some of them are
not propagated from the union-find to the relations), and having the
domains stored in a central place rather than inside each relations
module opens the path to more communication between the domains (e.g.
accessing integer domains from the bit-vector module).

Note that constraints (notably for the bit-vector theory) are *not*
integrated into the union-find and still need to be kept track of
  • Loading branch information
bclement-ocp committed May 13, 2024
1 parent 812fd86 commit 2830cca
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Showing 13 changed files with 491 additions and 391 deletions.
181 changes: 77 additions & 104 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,12 @@ module Domain = struct
domain ~constrs ex

let is_adt_ty = function
| Ty.Tadt _ -> true
| _ -> false

let is_adt r = is_adt_ty (X.type_info r)

module Domains = struct
(** The type of simple domain maps. A domain map maps each representative
(semantic value, of type [X.r]) to its associated domain. *)
Expand All @@ -122,6 +128,8 @@ module Domains = struct
in [propagation]. *)

type _ += Id : t

let pp ppf t =
Fmt.(iter_bindings ~sep:semi MX.iter
(box @@ pair ~sep:(any " ->@ ") X.print Domain.pp)
Expand All @@ -131,6 +139,8 @@ module Domains = struct

let empty = { domains = MX.empty; changed = SX.empty }

let filter_ty = is_adt_ty

let internal_update r nd t =
let domains = MX.add r nd in
let changed = SX.add r t.changed in
Expand All @@ -148,16 +158,14 @@ module Domains = struct
Domain.unknown (X.type_info r)

let add r t =
if MX.mem r then t
match Th.embed r with
| Constr _ | Select _ -> t
| Alien _ ->
(* We have to add a default domain if the key `r` isn't in map in order
to be sure that the case-split mechanism will attempt to choose a
value for it. *)
let nd = Domain.unknown (X.type_info r) in
internal_update r nd t
match Th.embed r with
| Alien _ when not (MX.mem r ->
(* We have to add a default domain if the key `r` isn't in map in order
to be sure that the case-split mechanism will attempt to choose a
value for it. *)
let nd = Domain.unknown (X.type_info r) in
internal_update r nd t
| Alien _ | Constr _ | Select _ -> t

(** [tighten r d t] replaces the domain of [r] in [t] by a domain [d] contains
in the current domain of [r]. The representative [r] is marked [changed]
Expand All @@ -177,6 +185,8 @@ module Domains = struct
let changed = SX.remove r t.changed in
{ domains ; changed }

exception Inconsistent = Domain.Inconsistent

(** [subst ~ex p v d] replaces all the instances of [p] with [v] in all
domains, merging the corresponding domains as appropriate.
Expand All @@ -191,7 +201,7 @@ module Domains = struct
let t = remove r t in
tighten nr nd t

| exception Not_found -> t
| exception Not_found -> add nr t

(* [propagate f a t] iterates on all the changed domains of [t] since the
last call of [propagate]. The list of changed domains is flushed after
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,14 +248,6 @@ let dispatch = function
| _ -> None

type t = {
classes : E.Set.t list;
(* State of the union-find represented by all its equivalence classes.
This state is kept for debugging purposes only. It is updated after
assuming literals of the theory and returned by queries in case of
inconsistency. *)

domains : Domains.t;

delayed : Rel_utils.Delayed.t;
(* Set of delayed destructor applications. The computation of a destructor
application [d r] is forced if we see the tester `(_ is d) r` of the
Expand All @@ -262,13 +264,11 @@ type t = {
See the function [deduce_is_constr]. *)

let empty classes = {
domains = Domains.empty;
let empty uf = {
delayed = Rel_utils.Delayed.create ~is_ready dispatch;
size_splits =;
new_terms = SE.empty;
}, Uf.Domains.add (module Domains) Domains.empty ( uf)

(* ################################################################ *)
Expand All @@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ module Debug = struct
"assume %a" LR.print (LR.make a)

let pp_env loc env =
let pp_domains loc domains =
if Options.get_debug_adt () then begin
print_dbg ~flushed:false ~module_name:"Adt_rel"
"@[<v 2>--ADT env %s ---------------------------------@ " loc;
print_dbg ~flushed:false ~header:false "domains:@ %a"
Domains.pp domains;
print_dbg ~header:false "---------------------"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,18 +327,6 @@ let assume_th_elt t th_elt _ =
failwith "This Theory does not support theories extension"
| _ -> t

let tighten_domain r nd env =
{ env with domains = Domains.tighten r nd }

(* Update the domains of the semantic values [r1] and [r2] according to
the substitution `r1 |-> r2`.
@raise Domain.Inconsistent if this substitution is inconsistent with
the current environment [env]. *)
let assume_subst ~ex r1 r2 env =
let domains = Domains.subst ~ex r1 r2 in
{ env with domains }

(* Update the domains of the semantic values [r1] and [r2] according to the
disequality [r1 <> r2].
Expand All @@ -355,37 +343,37 @@ let assume_subst ~ex r1 r2 env =
@raise Domain.Inconsistent if the disequality is inconsistent with
the current environment [env]. *)
let assume_distinct =
let aux ~ex r1 r2 env =
let aux ~ex r1 r2 domains =
match Th.embed r1 with
| Constr { c_args; _ } when List.length c_args = 0 ->
let d1 = Domains.get r1 in
let d2 = Domains.get r2 in
let d1 = Domains.get r1 domains in
let d2 = Domains.get r2 domains in
match Domain.as_singleton d1 with
| Some (c, ex') ->
let ex = Ex.union ex ex' in
let nd = Domain.remove ~ex c d2 in
tighten_domain r2 nd env
| None -> env
Domains.tighten r2 nd domains
| None -> domains
| _ ->
(* If `d1` is a singleton domain but its constructor has a payload,
we cannot tighten the domain of `r2` because they could have
distinct payloads. *)
in fun ~ex r1 r2 env ->
aux ~ex r1 r2 env |> aux ~ex r2 r1
in fun ~ex r1 r2 domains ->
aux ~ex r1 r2 domains |> aux ~ex r2 r1

(* Assumes the tester `((_ is c) r)` where [r] can be a constructor
application or a uninterpreted semantic value.
@raise Domain.Inconsistent if we already know that the value of [r]
cannot be an application of the constructor [c]. *)
let assume_is_constr ~ex r c env =
let d1 = Domains.get r in
let assume_is_constr ~ex r c domains =
let d1 = Domains.get r domains in
let d2 = Domain.singleton ~ex:Explanation.empty c in
let nd = Domain.intersect ~ex d1 d2 in
tighten_domain r nd env
Domains.tighten r nd domains

(* Assume `(not ((_ is c) r))` where [r] can be a constructor application
or a uninterpreted semantic value.
Expand All @@ -394,49 +382,35 @@ let assume_is_constr ~ex r c env =
@raise Domain.Inconsistent if we already know that the value of [r] has to
be an application of the constructor [c]. *)
let assume_not_is_constr ~ex r c env =
let d = Domains.get r in
let assume_not_is_constr ~ex r c domains =
let d = Domains.get r domains in
let nd = Domain.remove ~ex c d in
tighten_domain r nd env
Domains.tighten r nd domains

let add r uf env =
let add r uf domains =
match X.type_info r with
| Ty.Tadt _ ->
Debug.add r;
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
{ env with domains = Domains.add rr }
Domains.add rr domains
| _ ->

let is_adt r =
match X.type_info r with
| Ty.Tadt _ -> true
| _ -> false

let add_rec r uf env =
List.fold_left (fun env lf -> add lf uf env) env (X.leaves r)
let add_rec r uf domains =
List.fold_left (fun env lf -> add lf uf env) domains (X.leaves r)

let add env uf r t =
if Options.get_disable_adts () then
env, []
env, uf, []
let env = add r uf env in
let delayed, eqs = Rel_utils.Delayed.add env.delayed uf r t in
{ env with delayed }, eqs
{ env with delayed }, uf, eqs

let assume_literals la uf env =
let assume_literals la uf domains =
(fun env lit ->
(fun domains lit ->
let open Xliteral in
match lit with
| Eq (r1, r2) as l, _, ex, Th_util.Subst when is_adt r1 ->
Debug.assume l;
(* Needed for models generation because fresh terms are not added with
the function add. *)
let env = add_rec r1 uf env in
let env = add_rec r2 uf env in
assume_subst ~ex r1 r2 env

| Distinct (false, [r1; r2]) as l, _, ex, _ when is_adt r2 ->
Debug.assume l;
let rr1, ex1 = Uf.find_r uf r1 in
Expand All @@ -447,31 +421,24 @@ let assume_literals la uf env =
let ex = Ex.union ex1 @@ Ex.union ex2 ex in
(* Needed for models generation because fresh terms are not added with
the function add. *)
let env = add_rec rr1 uf env in
let env = add_rec rr1 uf domains in
let env = add_rec rr2 uf env in
assume_distinct ~ex rr1 rr2 env

| Builtin (true, Sy.IsConstr c, [r]) as l, _, ex, _ ->
Debug.assume l;
let r, ex1 = Uf.find_r uf r in
let ex = Ex.union ex1 ex in
assume_is_constr ~ex r c env
assume_is_constr ~ex r c domains

| Builtin (false, Sy.IsConstr c, [r]) as l, _, ex, _ ->
Debug.assume l;
let r, ex1 = Uf.find_r uf r in
let ex = Ex.union ex1 ex in
assume_not_is_constr ~ex r c env

| _ ->
(* We ignore [Eq] literals that aren't substitutions as the propagation
of such equalities will produce substitutions later.
More precisely, the equation [Eq (r1, r2)] will produce two
[Eq (r1, rr)] and [Eq (r2, rr)]
where [rr] is the new class representative. *)
) env la
assume_not_is_constr ~ex r c domains

| _ -> domains
) domains la

(* For a uninterpreted semantic value [r] and [c] a constructor of the form:
(cons (d1 ty1) ... (dn tyn))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -513,7 +480,7 @@ let build_constr_eq r c =
| Select _ ->
assert false

let propagate_domains env =
let propagate_domains new_terms domains =
(fun (eqs, new_terms) rr d ->
match Domain.as_singleton d with
Expand All @@ -527,7 +494,7 @@ let propagate_domains env =
| None ->
eqs, new_terms
) ([], env.new_terms)
) ([], new_terms) domains

(* Remove duplicate literals in the list [la]. *)
let remove_redundancies la =
Expand All @@ -552,27 +519,30 @@ let count_splits env la =
) env.size_splits la

let assume env uf la =
Debug.pp_env "before assume" env;
let ds = uf in
let domains = Uf.Domains.find (module Domains) ds in
Debug.pp_domains "before assume" domains;
(* should be done globally in CCX *)
let la = remove_redundancies la in
let delayed, result = Rel_utils.Delayed.assume env.delayed uf la in
let env =
let domains =
assume_literals la uf env
assume_literals la uf domains
with Domain.Inconsistent ex ->
raise_notrace (Ex.Inconsistent (ex, env.classes))
raise_notrace (Ex.Inconsistent (ex, Uf.cl_extract uf))
let (assume, new_terms), domains = propagate_domains env in
let (assume, new_terms), domains = propagate_domains env.new_terms domains in
let assume = List.rev_append assume result.assume in
let env = {
delayed; domains;
classes = Uf.cl_extract uf;
size_splits = count_splits env la;
Debug.pp_env "after assume" env;
env, Sig_rel.{ assume; remove = [] }
Debug.pp_domains "after assume" domains;
Uf.Domains.add (module Domains) domains ds,
Sig_rel.{ assume; remove = [] }

(* ################################################################ *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -620,13 +590,15 @@ let pick_delayed_destructor env =
(* Do a case-split by choosing a semantic value [r] and constructor [c]
for which there are delayed destructor applications and propagate the
literal [(not (_ is c) r)]. *)
let case_split env _uf ~for_model =
let case_split env uf ~for_model =
if Options.get_disable_adts () || not (Options.get_enable_adts_cs())
else begin
assert (not for_model);
if Options.get_debug_adt () then Debug.pp_env "before cs" env;
if Options.get_debug_adt () then
Debug.pp_domains "before cs"
(Uf.Domains.find (module Domains) ( uf));
match pick_delayed_destructor env with
| Some (r, d) ->
if Options.get_debug_adt () then
Expand All @@ -644,24 +616,25 @@ let case_split env _uf ~for_model =

let optimizing_objective _env _uf _o = None

let query env uf (ra, _, ex, _) =
let query _env uf (ra, _, ex, _) =
if Options.get_disable_adts () then None
let domains = Uf.Domains.find (module Domains) ( uf) in
match ra with
| Xliteral.Builtin(true, Sy.IsConstr c, [r]) ->
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
ignore (assume_is_constr ~ex rr c env);
ignore (assume_is_constr ~ex rr c domains);

| Xliteral.Builtin(false, Sy.IsConstr c, [r]) ->
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
ignore (assume_not_is_constr ~ex rr c env);
ignore (assume_not_is_constr ~ex rr c domains);

| _ ->
| Domain.Inconsistent ex -> Some (ex, env.classes)
| Domain.Inconsistent ex -> Some (ex, Uf.cl_extract uf)

(* ################################################################ *)

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