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Spring Boot starter library that tracks code execution for every http request


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What is it?

A library to trace execution of methods per each Spring Servlet's HTTP request.

Why would I want to use it?

If you need a convenient way to trace which methods were executed per HTTP request - in what order, what were the method arguments and execution results.

You can filter the methods you are interested in by specifying a root package - for example, to log only application-specific methods and ignore framework ones.

One use case could be debugging and code analysis. Another big one - monitoring purposes.


Add library to your Spring Boot app

Gradle (Groovy)

runtimeOnly "com.beautrace:beautrace-spring-servlet:1.0.2"

Gradle (Kotlin)




Add to your

# Root package for tracing. Execution of methods from this package will be traced
# Setting this property is required to enable Beautrace
# Path to a file to store traces. Ensure that the app has writing access to this directory

After your app did some request processing, go check the output file

File contents look like the following:

{"request":"GET /api/exception?argOne=1234&argTwo=wow%20string","methodCalls":[...]}
{"request":"GET /api/exception?argOne=1234&argTwo=wow%20string","methodCalls":[...]}

Each line represents tracing for a different request. Each line is a json object. You can now pick your favorite json parser and explore tracing for a request of your interest.

Example projects

You can check the library in action by exploring demo projects:

How does the library work?

The library intercepts execution of methods from the package you specify and logs them. Once the http request is handled, this data is written to a file at a location you specify.

Here is how example output looks like for some http request:

  // Http request details 
  "request": "GET /api/mock?argOne=1234&argTwo=wow%20string",
  // List of method calls for that request from package 
  "methodCalls": [
        "name":"public boolean,java.lang.String)",
        // List of method arguments as pairs: 
        // first value in pair represents argument name, second - argument value
            "first":"java.lang.Integer argOne", 
            "first":"java.lang.String argTwo", 
            "second":"wow string"
        // If compiler did not retain method argument names, then argument values will be logged
        // In our case compiler knew argument names, and therefore we logged them in 'arguments' node above
        // What method returned
        // Were there any unhandled exceptions during method execution?
      "name":"public java.lang.String",

Here is a snippet of how unhandled exceptions are logged:

  "result": null,
  // Unhandled exception was thrown during the method execution
  // Beautrace will log entire stack trace of the exception
  "exception": {
    "localizedMessage": "exception!",
    "cause": null,
    "stackTrace": [
        "classLoaderName": "app",
        "moduleName": null,
        "moduleVersion": null,
        "methodName": "doWorkWithException",
        "fileName": "MockApiService.kt",
        "lineNumber": 30,
        "className": "",
        "nativeMethod": false
        "classLoaderName": "app",
        "moduleName": null,
        "moduleVersion": null,
        "methodName": "invoke",
        "fileName": "<generated>",
        "lineNumber": -1,
        "className": "$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$defc0d23",
        "nativeMethod": false
      ... // rest of the stack trace omitted for brevity here
        "classLoaderName": null,
        "moduleName": "java.base",
        "moduleVersion": "11.0.15",
        "methodName": "run",
        "fileName": "",
        "lineNumber": 829,
        "className": "java.lang.Thread",
        "nativeMethod": false


What projects this library is compatible with?

It supports Spring Boot apps on Java/ Kotlin @ Java 8 and higher.

The library only prints method argument values. How do I make it print argument names too?

You should configure your compiler to retain method argument names. Here is how.

Java compiler: add -parameters flag

Kotlin compiler: add -java-parametersflag