A modern Next.js routing application with React 19 and Material UI.
- Next.js 15 with Turbopack for rapid development
- React 19 for modern UI development
- TypeScript for type safety
- Material UI 6 component library
- Axios for API requests
- React Hook Form for form handling
- Cypress testing framework
- ESLint & Prettier for code quality
- Husky & lint-staged for pre-commit hooks
- Commitlint for conventional commit messages
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/bice-routes.git
cd bice-routes
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server with Turbopack
npm run dev
npm run dev
- Start development server with Turbopacknpm run build
- Build the application for productionnpm run start
- Start the production servernpm run lint
- Run ESLint to check for issuesnpm run format
- Format code with Prettiernpm run cypress:open
- Open Cypress test runner
This project uses Cypress for end-to-end testing:
# Open Cypress test runner
npm run cypress:open
This project is set up with several code quality tools:
- ESLint & Prettier: For code linting and formatting
- Husky: For Git hooks
- lint-staged: To run linters on staged files
- commitlint: To enforce conventional commit messages
Pre-commit hooks will automatically:
- Lint and fix JavaScript/TypeScript files
- Format all code with Prettier
This code is licensed under the MIT License.