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The commands here only concern my git repositories, there are over 200 scripts in the whole git repository
Scripts for Archlinux and Manjaro
Scripts for audio (FFMPEG ...)
For cryptography and security
Scripts for Debian and Ubuntu
Scripts for C/C++ development and cross platform
For file management or backup
To create archives of game saves
For creating partitions (encrypted or in RAM for example)
For encoding, creating, recording or downloading videos
- (WIP)
Clean ArchLinux and Manjaro (Remove old packages...)
$ sudo clean-arch
Update ArchLinux and Manjaro
$ sudo clean-arch
Script to extract many type of archive (7z, rar, zip, iso...)
$ extract archive1.zip archive2.7z archive3.rar
Extract audio from video files, with ffmpeg (without re-encoding)
$ extract-audio <input video file with audio> <output audio file>
Merge multiple audio files, with ffmpeg (with re-encoding)
$ merge-audio <input audio file 1> <input audio file 2> <output audio file>
$ merge-audio <input audio file 1> <input audio file 2> <input audio file 3> <output audio file>
$ merge-audio <input audio file 1> <input audio file 2> <input audio file 3> <input audio file 4> <output audio file>
Check document signature with public key and certificate
$ PUBLIC_KEY=mypublic.pem digital-signature-check-RSA <file>
Generate (and check) certificate with RSA key (and generate hash by rhash)
$ digital-signature-RSA sign <file> <password>
$ PUBLIC_KEY=mypublic.pem digital-signature-RSA check <file>
A simple shell utility for encrypting and decrypting files using OpenSSL.
$ cryptr encrypt <file>
$ cryptr decrypt <file.aes>
Clean debian (and ubuntu), remove old packages...
$ sudo clean-debian
Update debian (and ubuntu), by apt update and dist-upgrade
$ sudo update-debian
Format all code recursively with clang-format (C/C++...)
$ format-code # With LLVM style (By default)
$ format-code webkit # Withwebkit
$ format-code my-style.txt # With custom style
Build cmake project (and create build folder) Can accept cmake arguments
$ cmake-builder # Without argument
$ cmake-builder -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # With argument
Build cmake project with ninja build (and create build folder) Can accept cmake arguments
$ ninja-builder # Without argument
$ ninja-builder -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # With argument
Build meson project (and create build folder) Can accept meson arguments
$ meson-builder # Without argument
Build cmake project with ninja (and create build folder) in docker (cross platform Can accept CMake arguments.
Dockcross images list: android-arm android-arm64 web-wasm linux-x86 linux-x64 linux-mips linux-x64-clang manylinux1-x64 manylinux1-x86 manylinux2010-x64 manylinux2010-x86 manylinux2014-x64 manylinux2014-x86 manylinux2014-aarch64 windows-static-x86 windows-static-x64 windows-static-x64-posix windows-shared-x86 windows-shared-x64 windows-shared-x64-posix linux-arm64 linux-arm64-musl linux-armv7 linux-armv7a linux-armv7l-musl linux-armv6 linux-armv6-musl linux-armv5 linux-armv5-musl linux-ppc64le linux-riscv64 linux-riscv32 linux-m68k-uclibc linux-s390x
$ dockcross-builder <dockcross image> <CMake arguments>
Display and analyse the differences between one or two containers:
- History
- Files
- apt & pip
For local image add: daemon://
For remote image add: remote://
$ docker-container-diff <img1> <img2>
$ docker-container-diff <img>
Clean ALL images and data in docker
$ docker-clean-all
Clean old docker images (and without tags)
$ docker-clean
Export docker image (without base image)
$ docker-export <image1> <image2> ...
Import docker image (without base image)
$ docker-import <image1> <image2> ...
Load docker image (with base image)
$ docker-load <image1> <image2> ...
Export docker image (with base image)
$ docker-save <image1> <image2> ...
Export volume in tar archive
$ docker-volume-backup <volume name>
Import volume from tar archive
$ docker-volume-restore <volume name>
Pull/Download docker image (alpine, ubuntu...)
$ docker-pull
Make perfect copy (backup) directory with rsync
$ rsync-archive <source directory> <destination directory>
Make perfect copy (backup) directory with rsync and checksum (Can take many hours with big files)
$ rsync-check <source directory> <destination directory>
Make copy directory with rsync and SSH
$ rsync-archive <port> <key-file> <source directory> <destination directory>
Compress directory with 7z with maximum settings
$ compress-max <directory>
Compress directory with 7z with maximum settings (but without solid archive, more solid against corruption
$ compress-secu <directory>
Disable baloo extractor (with KDE plasma)
$ sudo disable-baloo
Create archive from save files in mindustry in Linux
$ save-mindustry-linux
Create archive from save files in satisfactory in Linux
$ save-satisfactory-linux
Create archive from save files in terraria in Linux
$ save-terraria-linux
Create archive from save files in 7DaysToDie in Linux
$ save-7DaysToDie-linux
Apply a git patch(s)
$ git-apply-patch fix1.patch fix2.patch fix3.patch...
Generate git changelog
$ git-changelog
Clone git repository with all tags, submodules...
$ git-clone-all https://github.com/bensuperpc/scripts.git https://github.com/bensuperpc/scripts.git ...
Undo last commit (not push)
$ git-commit-undo
Create commit with signature
$ git-commit "title and comment"
$ git-commit "title" "comment"
Create git patch
Create patch from last commit:
$ git-create-patch
Create patch from last commit to x commit:
$ git-create-patch 5 # HEAD to 5 last commit
Create patch from hash1 or tag1 to hash2 or tag2:
$ git-create-patch v1.0.0 v1.1.0
Display biggest files in git repository
$ git-find-big
Update submodule to latest commit
$ git-sync-submodule
Update repository to latest version in remote (with submodule)
$ git-update-recursive
Get temperature from CPU, HDD ect...
$ temperature
Convert all jpeg to images avif with AOM
$ image_jpeg_to_avif_aom
Convert all jpeg to images avif with rav1e
$ image_jpeg_to_avif_rav1e
Convert all jpeg images to heic
$ image_jpeg_to_heic
Convert all jpeg images to webp with cwebp
$ image_jpeg_to_webp
Convert all png images to heic
$ image_png_to_heic
Convert all png images to webp with cwebp
$ image_png_to_webp
Send SMS with Free Mobile API (From script to smartphone)
$ sms-free <user> <API key> <Message (in quotes)>
Clean linux system (Tested with ArchLinux and Manjaro)
$ sudo clean-system
Find all broken symbole links
$ find-broken-link
Find all duplicate files (Calc with sha256)
$ find-duplicate
Find all empty files
$ find-empty
Calculate the number of identical commands in the bash history
$ history-count
Create bootable USB with ISO
$ make-bootable-usb <iso path> <device path (USB ...)>
Generate strong password
$ passwordgen # With 48 chars
$ passwordgen X # With X chars
Replace string in files recursively
$ replace-recursive <STR1> <STR2> <Extension (wihout point)>
Replace string in files recursively
$ remove-recursive <Text to remove (Remove line)>
Generate archive with all system info
$ sudo sysinfo
Update Grub
$ sudo update-grub
Check hash file(s)
$ hash_check <checksums file>
Generate hash of directory
$ hash_gen <directory>
Generate hash of directory
$ hash <directory>
Generate uuid
$ uuid
Generate uuid in bash
$ uuid-bash
Make luks (encrypted) partition with password
$ sudo luks <Device> <Label>
Mount directory in RAM
$ mount-ram <path to mount> <size (in MB/Mo)>
Add watermark in video
$ add-video-watermark <input video> <text> <output>
Add logo (ex: .png) in video
$ add-video-logo <input video> <logo> <overlay X (from from the top-left)> <overlay Y (from from the top-left)> <output>
Split video in part of x time
$ split-video <input video> <time (00:20:00 for parts of 20 minutes)>
Merge video and audio (shortest)
$ merge-audio-video <input video> <input audio> <output video>
Screen capture (Video only) with ffmpeg and x11grab
$ screen-capture --output <output file> --preset fast --resolution 1920x1080
$ screen-capture --output <output file> --screen :0 --framerate 60 --lib libx265
More info :
$ screen-capture --help
Screen capture (Video only) with ffmpeg, x11grab, and webcam
$ screen-capture-webcam <output file>
Generate video with all commit and repository evolution (with nvenc)
$ gource-nvenc <output file .mkv>
$ gource-nvenc <input logo file> <output file .mkv>
Generate video with all commit and repository evolution in CLI, without screen (with nvenc and xvfb-run)
$ gource-nvenc-screenless <output file .mkv>
$ gource-nvenc-screenless <input logo file> <output file .mkv>
Generate video with all commit and repository evolution in CLI, without screen (with nvenc and xvfb-run), you need Gource 0.52 or build from source
$ gource-nvenc-screenless-4k <output file .mkv>
$ gource-nvenc-screenless-4k <input logo file> <output file .mkv>
Generate video with all commit and repository evolution (with H265)
$ gource-h265 <output file>
Convert video to h265 (with nvenc)
$ h265-nvenc <input file> <output file>
Download playlist video with best quality
$ youtube-dl-playlist-full <URL>
Download playlist audio only with best quality
$ youtube-dl-playlist-audio <URL>