The URL Shortener Library provides functionality to shorten URLs and store them in a database.
npm install define name
import ShortUrlsDatabase from 'define name';
const shortUrlsDatabase = ShortUrlsDatabase.getInstance();
const originalURL = '';
const shortURL = shortUrlsDatabase.addURL(originalURL);
import ShortUrlsDatabase from 'define name';
const myShortURL = shortUrlsDatabase.addURL(originalURL);
const originalURL = shortUrlsDatabase.getOriginalURL(myShortURL.getShortURL());
Returns a singleton instance of the ShortUrlsDatabase class.
addURL(originalURL: string): string
Shortens a given URL and stores it in the database. Returns the shortened URL. Parameters
originalURL (string): The original URL to be shortened.
A string representing the shortened URL.
getOriginalURL(shortURL: string): string | null
Retrieves the original URL associated with the given shortened URL, if it exists and is less than 24 hours old. Parameters
shortURL (string): The shortened URL to be resolved.
A string representing the original URL, if it exists and is less than 24 hours old. Otherwise, returns null.
shortenURL(originalURL: string, length?: number)
Generates a short URL from a given original URL. If a length parameter is not provided, the length of the short URL will be 6 by default. Returns a ShortUrl object containing the original URL, the short URL, and the hash of the original URL.
A ShortUrl object containing the original URL, the short URL, and the hash of the original URL.
Example :
const urlShortenerService = new URLShortenerService();
// Generate a short URL from an original URL
const originalURL = '';
const shortUrl: ShortUrl = urlShortenerService.shortenURL(originalURL);
console.log(`Original URL: ${shortUrl.getOriginalURL()}`);
console.log(`Short URL: ${shortUrl.getShortURL()}`);
console.log(`Hash: ${shortUrl.getHash()}`);
getOriginalURL(): string
Returns the original URL associated with the shortened URL.
getShortURL(): string
Returns the shortened URL.
getHash(): string
Returns the hash of the original URL.
getTimestamp(): number
Returns the timestamp of when the shortened URL was added to the database.