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Bestchains SaaS


bc-saas represents software-as-a-service provided in bestchains

Now we have:

  • digital depository which provide basic capability to manage depositories

Service irrelevant architecture:




Build image

# output: hyperledgerk8s/bc-saas:v0.1.0
WHAT=bc-saas GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make image

Quick start

start a depository service

  1. build depository server
WHAT=depository make binary
  1. verify depository
❯ ./_output/bin/linux/amd64/depository -h
Usage of ./bin/depository:
  -auth string
        user authentication method, none, oidc or kubernetes (default "none")
  -addr string
     used to listen and serve http requests (default ":9999")
  -profile string
     profile to connect with blockchain network (default "./network.json")
  -contract string
     contract name (default "depository")
  -db string
        which database to use, default is pg(postgresql) (default "pg")
  -dsn string
        database connection string (default "postgres://bestchains:[email protected]:5432/bc-saas?sslmode=disable")
  -v value
     number for the log level verbosity
  1. start depository server
./bin/depository -auth none -addr localhost:9999 -profile test/profile.json -contract depository -db pg -dsn 'postgres://bestchains:[email protected]:5432/bc-saas?sslmode=disable'


  • -auth: authentication method(default "none")
  • -addr: used to listen and serve http requests (default ":9999")
  • -profile: retrieved from bestchains-platform
  • -contract: depository contract's name deployed on the blockchain network
  • -db: database type,only pg allowed for now
  • -dsn: database connection string,only postgresql supported for now

Only when db is pg,we will listen on contract events and store depository details into database



Contribute to bc-saas

If you want to contribute to bc-saas,refer to contribute guide


If you need support, start with the troubleshooting guide, or create github issues