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Demo Apartment rentals backend API


This is a Django project that provides an API for apartment rentals.

It is powered by Django with Django-Ninja (instead of the bulky Django REST Framework).

The authentication is handled by django-ninja-jwt, and as the name suggests, it uses JWT tokens.

The database is PostgreSQL.

Start with docker

In a hurry? Start the project with docker:

Note: make sure to set the correct permissions on your host machine for the media folder if you want to upload photos.

docker-compose --env-file=.env.docker up

Main requirements

  • Python 3.12
  • Django 5.0.1



Make sure to have Python 3.12 installed and poetry installed with it.

NOTE: If you are running on a Mac (M1, M2, M3), see below.


poetry install --no-root

Installation for Mac users

If you are running on a Mac (M1, M2, M3), it's recommended to create first a virtual environment specifying the architecture of the Python interpreter:

arch -arm64 python3 -m venv .venv

Then, activate the virtual environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

Finally, install the dependencies:

poetry install  --no-root

Bootstrapping the database


  • make sure to start postgresql before running the following commands (docker-compose --env-file=.env.defaults up postgres)
  • make sure to move into the src directory before running the following commands

There are two utilty scripts to bootstrap the database:

1. python bootstrap

It will run the migrations and create a superuser.

The superuser username and password are loaded from the configuration file.

If not specified, the default username is admin and the default password is admin. A warning will be displayed if the default credentials are used.

It will also create by default a Group named realtor that will be used for permissions.

2. python create-fake-data [--apartments <number>] [--users <number>] [--realtors <number>]

It will create fake data for the apartments, users and realtors.

  • Every user will have the following email: user{x}, where x is a number starting from 1.
  • Every realtor will have the following email: realtor{x}, where x is a number starting from 1.
  • Every apartment will have a random realtor assigned to it. Will also have random fake data for the rest of the fields.

Running the server


  • make sure to start postgresql before running the following commands (docker-compose --env-file=.env.defaults up postgres)

To run the server locally, run the following command:

python runserver

This will load the settings from the .env.defaults file. If not found, it will attempt to load the settings from:

  • the .env file.
  • the settings.ini file.
  • the environment variables.

To specify which settings file to use, set it as an environment variable:

USE_ENV=.env.production python runserver

The server will be available at http://localhost:8000.

The API Documentation will be available at http://localhost:8000/api/docs.


This project has 100% test coverage. To run the tests locally, run the following command:

pytest --cov=. src/tests/ -vv && coverage html

then open the htmlcov/index.html file in your browser.

Linting and formatting

This project uses ruff for linting and formatting.

If desired, install the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

If you want to run the linter manually, run:

ruff check . --fix

If you want to run the formatter manually, run:

ruff format .


This is a simple project, therefore due to its scale some shortcuts were taken:

  • The buisness logic is in the views. For a bigger project, it would be better to move it to a service layer and create custom exception handlers.
  • The object-permissions are hardcoded in the views. For a bigger project, it would be better to move them to a permission layer.
  • Each apartment has a single realtor assigned to it. For a bigger project, it would be better to have a many-to-many relationship between apartments and realtors.
  • The search functionality is very basic. For a bigger project, it would be better to use a search engine like Meilisearch or Elasticsearch.
  • For the sake of simplicity, in the docker image this is deployed with a single gunincorn worker. For a bigger project, it would be better to use multiple workers with a combination of gunicorn and uvicorn, switching from WSGI to ASGI, making the necessary adjustments to the codebase (i.e., using the async ORM and enpoints).


A simple demo to show off some django







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