Bibledit client for Linux 5.1.016
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.016.tar.gz
What is new:
5.1.016: Client upgrade to MbedTLS 3.6.
5.1.013: Can enable or disable spell check in Bible editors.
5.1.013: Fix broken Javascript in rare cases, fixing a broken verse editor.
5.1.012: Localize the recently used styles.
5.1.010: Can remove a Bible with trailing spaces in its name.
5.1.010: Support for USFM marker \sup for superscript text.
5.1.007: Outputs a blank line for the \b style for Web export.
5.1.007: Outputs the chapter number also for one-chapter books.
5.1.006: The start of a line of poetry no longer overlaps a chapter number in drop caps in web export.